American serama thread!

What two chicks? And yes it WILL pop up and because you have NO idea who it is comiong from it WILL be impossible to eliminate. I go back to my original comment...if you don't want booted DO NOT BREED THESE two together.

Breeding these two together again is definitely out. I'm going to put them in separate pens and see if I can determine which one is the carrier of the feathered legs. Both may have to be eliminated from my breeding program :( I thought that feather legs were dominant, guess not. Only 2 have hatched with them.
Kilnchick, it could be anything from a respritory infection to Coryza or Mareks. You can google the info for this stuff.
IS THERE any fowl smell to their mouths? (this would indicate Coryza)
No fowl smell and its only a few but I've deprecated them emediately from the flock. I have bathed them and used sulphur cream on the eyes but,,, what has proven to work best is contact solution. They seem to be getting better!

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