Amy Winehouse found dead....

I just wanted to throw this back in there. When people wanted and tried to help her, she made her living off of saying NO

My intital reaction was "she brought this on herself" like many others and then I thought a little bit more. If we humanize her as a regular person - someone's relative, aunt, daughter, sister.... try to think of her like someone you know. Do you have anyone in your family with a problem like this? Someone close to you? I do. Someone very close. While it's immensely frustrating and heartbreaking for a family to struggle with a family member like this - to watch them destroy themselves.... I shudder to think if this happened to my family member. I won't even name them because it feels too real. If she were to die from her addictions - the LAST thing I would do is be flippant and say "well, whatever - she brought this on herself." and move on. It's still a terrible human tragedy.

Believe me - I've been angry at her. When you get past the rage- there's an incredible sorrow and then boundless anger. It's a real bad trip.

Yeah - AW did make money on her image. She made her skeletons dance and made a great deal of money from it.

Either way - she ruined her life and her loved ones will suffer.
Sara, i speak from my own PERSONAL experience, (and family members too..) I know its hard, but i also KNOW that you DO have choices in life. Its all about whats REALLY more important to you... how you want to live the rest of your life. There are many ways to get help for addiction in this country... but again, if your dont REALLY want it, then they wont help you at ALL.
So thats why i have NO sympathy for druggies. I know more than you think i do from real life experience. Not turning my nose down at anyone.... just being honest and not babying the situation like people want me to do.
She made CHOICES, they came back and bit her in the butt in a hard way. She knew the risks....
Just sayin'...

ETA: And NO doing drugs/having an addiction does NOT make you a "bad" person.... the only time you become a" bad" person(in my book), is when YOUR addiction hurts others, you steal from people, etc.., OR (more importantly) if you have children.
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My mother died from addiction (alcohol) and I still think I am numb from it. I know deep down inside it has changed me and torn me apart but Im just not sure how to get past it.
It would really hurt me to hear someone say 'Oh, she just brought it on herself' because I KNOW she did not want to be like that. I KNOW she tried to change. Sometimes there is just such a strong hurt in people they just cant be fixed.

If you got off drugs/alcohol consider yourself on of the lucky ones.
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I am sad for the fact that another young woman is dead. My prayers go out to her family in this time of sadness.
I am sad when I read any people have died, whether I know their circumstances or not. It's neither here nor there --- dead is dead and sad is sad. I'm not in a place to make judgements.
My mother died from addiction (alcohol) and I still think I am numb from it. I know deep down inside it has changed me and torn me apart but Im just not sure how to get past it.
It would really hurt me to hear someone say 'Oh, she just brought it on herself' because I KNOW she did not want to be like that. I KNOW she tried to change. Sometimes there is just such a strong hurt in people they just cant be fixed.

If you got off drugs/alcohol consider yourself on of the lucky ones.

Sarah, i'm sorry about your mother. I truly am.
Its the ones they leave behind that truly do suffer.

But i do have to say, that luck has nothing to do with beating an addiction.
Again, sorry about your pain.
After reading all these responses, I really hope that this woman's life as she spent it is a true life lesson for the younger members we have here. Redhen is 100% correct - we do have choices, and when those demons come to visit, we can either let them in or turn them away.

30 years drug free here. We do have choices. And no it has not always been easy. Choose the right way, live it long enough, and those demons are nothing but dirty nasty things that are easy to turn away. The first few years are tough, then living right becomes a habit, not the drugs.

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