An apology and a few pictures.

They are booootiful pics. You done good.

Im always a little surprised when people feel intimindated by their own computer monitors. I mean for the most part, you dont actually know any of us, in person, for real.

We are only words on a screen, amorphous opinions floating around in the ether.

I find the psychology of that fascinating.
wow, I still can only say wow, you have beautiful birds and thank you so much for allowing us to see with or without an intro! Welcome to BYC hope we can see lots more pics of your "family"!
Ahhh, balm for the soul, most lovely picture. Made my day! And a big howdy to you, welcome to BYC...

Absolutely fabulous!!! I'm thrilled for you! Those are definitely beautiful pictures!! Are peafowl easy keepers? I would love to have some someday! Are they generally known as livestock or poultry, by any chance? Cause if not, then I should be able to have some in my backyard! *evil giggle*
I just can't get over how beautiful those pictures are. Could I download, offload, print it off (whatever the right words are) and put it on my wall?

I'm seriously thinking of getting peafowl next year. I just wasn't ready this year with fencing and all. My hubby even asked me to get them!

Do you keep yours fenced? Do they roam free? What do you feed them? Obviously they are doing fantastic with you.... I'd love to hear how you take care of them.

Oh --- Welcome to BYC!!!

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