Angel wing


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2017
I'm new to this. We just got two geese and two ducks that were born on June 6. Looks like one of my ducks has angel wing in both wings. Can I try to correct it myself? Is my duck too old? What happens if you don't try to fix and it and just leave it. Thanks in advance.
If you can i watched a youtube video that a gentleman put a T-shirt on his goose. I have done the same thing. My geese are 8 weeks old. I'm hoping this corrects it. I'm hoping this will help you too. I don't know how old your ducks are. Please let me know how you make out.
View attachment 1087606 View attachment 1087607 View attachment 1087608 Hello
I'm new to this. We just got two geese and two ducks that were born on June 6. Looks like one of my ducks has angel wing in both wings. Can I try to correct it myself? Is my duck too old? What happens if you don't try to fix and it and just leave it. Thanks in advance.

Might just be that the pin featjers are heavy and muscle development hasn't quite caught up to the new weight yet, but here's the best link for wrapping angel wing to correct it...
And if they have already grown in their flight feathers[wing] you might have to wait till they molt and start growing them back then wrap a goose breeder did this and it worked.

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