animal control.......grrr

Most animal controls are in it for the money. They make revenue just like the police do. We had 2 beagles when we moved from California. In California they had rabies tags that were good for 3 years. They were still good when we got here. Colorado didn't accept the tags though. So we had to pay a 75.00 per dog fine plus an original 25.00 pick up fee. Then there was 10.00 a day for storage. We were broke and they were in there for 5 days before we could spring them. They were on our front porch when they got picked up. One of our kids let them out of the house and being beagles they ran where their nose pulled them. We were out looking for them when the dog catcher came by and saw them.

My experience with animal control is that they are like cops. Always close by when you don't need them. When you need them they are hard to get. I still appreciate and respect them though. Getting your own dog picked up really sucks though. When I was a little kid our family dog got out and got caught. He picked up a bad case of kennel cough. They were talking about putting him down. Fortunately the antibiotic cleared it up. My poor Dad put a lot of money into that mutt.
Likewise for the microchipping. Here it's included when you adopt, so in theory if your dog ever makes its way back to the pound they could scan it and tadaa call up Mama...

Why else would they push for the chipping, push for the tags, etc if not so owners can be notified (and pay the required fees) and get their doggie home?

I totally see where you're coming from on this one... a simple phone call can save them days of impound expenses plus the expense of Euth-ing another animal... TOTALLY worth it to me... particularly for a city who's trying to trim the budget!
Good Grief!!! Our animal control here is AWESOME! They check for tags, the scan for chips, they notify the owners and they let them out cheap. Now adopting one is a bit on the pricey side.
When we got Mattie it was appx $50 and you had to see a vet (another $90 since she had worms) within (was it) 3 days and get fixed within 30 days... lotsa hidden costs... but chipping was included.

But I just looked this week, for another topic, and found that NOW it's $100 but that INCLUDES fixing, chipping, rabies, license... ALL those fees that before were varying depending on vet. I think it's a good thing myself... when the costs are CLEAR, no hidden sneaky stuff, seems like more people would think about adopting. Also they set up a Foster program too! Huge strides.
We don't even have an Animal Control here in rural Arkansas. Our "BONEHEADED" County Judge doesn't seem to think animal abuse or neglect should be funded by our tax dollars. I have voted against him for 14 years now, but he's a "good-ol'-boy" in "good-ol'-boy" country.
Our A/C is run by deputies from the Sheriff's office...convicts are used to care for the animals and clean etc.
Which sounded really awesome while I was typing it then this little thought crept in my mind that reminded me that we all put our names, numbers and addresses on our pets.
*rethinking this one*


Anyways...our deputies are great. My neighbors crazy GF hinted that she would be sending our dogs off the shelter 1st chance she comes across and I called them and warned them, described my dogs cause one looks pretty mean and nasty (in fact her collar says 'Its ok. I am friendly, assuming anyone will get close enough to read The officers were great and said if they get called out, they will let us know and even took my cell phone in case I wasnt at home.

Sorry your AC isnt up to par.
That is supremely awesome. There was like a 25.00 coupon towards fixing included in the price... but when the cost is 100...200...300 or more... well it's prohibitive. Now it's to where you KNOW the dog is clean, fixed, licensed, vaccinated... a HUGE difference. I'm very glad my city FINALLY got on board.

And I'm hoping that that, combined with the new foster program, will help save some lives.
the no kill rescue shelter in the county does stuff like that, not free, but reduced prices. We usually get rabies shots from their clinic to forgo the vet's office fees.

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