Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

little poopies

Ain't that the truth!

That's what we always call them once they get up walking around!
6:35 another girl, but what a cutie, lots of white on her, Annie was slow getting her out of sack and I couldn't reach her well, it was touch and go for a bit, but she seems fine now, I have them all with her again, I'm not sure if we are done or not, waiting for her to settle in a bit so I can feel for more, as big as she was I thought more then five for sure. We really need more boys, I have never had a litter of beagles with more girls then boys much less 4 to 1.
no worries equine, these pups will be here at least till 8 weeks of age. I would prefer ten, but we will see how they are doing at 8 weeks.
that's the first rule of puppies: people want boys, girls are born. people want girls, you get a litter of boys.

congrats on the babies! can't wait for pics!

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