Announcement: My duck article will be in Mar/Apr Grit Magazine! Woot!

That is fantastic! Congratulations.....
@Dances With Ducks: I like that article too. Aside from the fact that one of them is by me (lol), I'm pleased that ducks are getting more media coverage lately. They deserve it (which is kind of the point of my article).

Thanks, everyone, for your support. I can't wait to hold it in my hands.
I like how the title of your article begins "Think Duck"!!!
I've always enjoyed your posts, very clear, friendly, and helpful.
I'm sure this article will be wonderful for your career and a plus for people who love ducks as well.
More media coverage = growth industry, ya think?
BTW The only thing I didn't like about that other person's article was that little bit at the end where they suggested increasing laying by using 24 hours of light!
I'm confident your article won't be encouraging anything like that.
Ha ha! Thanks, everyone, SO much!

@Dances: You're making me blush.
It seems like every article about anything I know stuff about contains at least *something* that makes me roll my eyes. I hope mine won't be that way, but I'm sure there are bits that folks will disagree with or that may even be things that later I'll look back on and think, "geez, that wasn't right! Now I know better!"

I wanted to add that the article is written for folks who have never had ducks and aren't sure what the point is, so it probably doesn't contain anything everyone here doesn't already know.
But it was fun to write and I hope it's an entertaining read and of course, I'm helping contribute to the growth of the hobby/industry!

As I'm sure is common to most writers, I keep looking at my manuscript and thinking, "Geez, that could have been much better if I had written it this way," or "Wish I could take that out and add more information about this" etc.

Oh, and I also feel bound to defend other writers by adding that sometimes, editors add things right before press that we don't even see till the article comes out, so sometimes our name might be on something that we don't even agree with. It's not usually extreme, but it does happen, and we just have to roll with the punches. And nothing against editors, either--I'm SO grateful for good editors, and they are often under a tight deadline and anyone can make mistakes, especially under that kind of pressure. So we just do the best we can & they do the best they can and... hopefully what comes out is something worthwhile. And at an organization like Grit, it usually is.
Wow! It must take a lot of courage to leap into something like writing an article. You want to be sure to come across in a good way and have all your information correct because you are signing your name to something thousands of people will see. And then you have to trust your editors to help ensure you are doing all that and yet not alter something in such a way you wouldn't agree with. Too bad you can't have a final OK on how they do the editing.
But I'm sure it's totally worth it!!
I think its exciting and I'm really happy for you!!

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