Announcing A Brand New Buy Sell Auction System!

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Payment is between the seller and the buyer and can be whatever they agree on... heck you could convert $'s to watermelons if that's an agreed upon payment.

If you only accept specific payment methods you need to post that in the body of your first post in the listing.
This is also how I feel. I typically don't use ebay because the auction format can be such a hassle. In the past, I have only used ebay and for items that I can't find close to where I live or on any other website. Although I'm not a huge fan of craigslist, I typically prefer that sort of set up.

I do auctions in real life, but I was never much a fan of online auctions and I think asylum 11 hit the nail right on the head. There's nothing personal about them.

I also had a question about the 30 days. Does it begin as soon as you make your first post or is it per month?

NVM about the 30 days. nifty answered while I was typing.
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For what it is worth from a fairly new gal on here I don't like what you are doing....don't bash me people I am just giving a consumer's opinion for what it means to the power's that be. It just takes all the personal out of buying and selling on really should not make it a goal to become more like ebay. I understand what you are trying to do after reading this whole entire thread but I just think you should take a second look from a little person's perspective. I want to purchase from a friend, who profits from my purchase without having to sacrifice their hard earned pennies to reach me as a customer and even ebay alows attachable threads to elaborate on the items listed. I just personally think this is one area you should not charge people/your users unless they have an out of the ordinary number of listings. I just wanted to be a voice for what it is worth to you. I just don't see this new system being a wonderful thing for the small producers trying to just make it. My two cents if you will.
Sorry if this was already asked, but is there a link we can click on to be able to look at all the auctions we're bidding on? I'm not going to be able to keep track!
This is also how I feel. I typically don't use ebay because the auction format can be such a hassle. In the past, I have only used ebay and for items that I can't find close to where I live or on any other website. Although I'm not a huge fan of craigslist, I typically prefer that sort of set up.

I do auctions in real life, but I was never much a fan of online auctions and I think asylum 11 hit the nail right on the head. There's nothing personal about them.

I also had a question about the 30 days. Does it begin as soon as you make your first post or is it per month?

NVM about the 30 days. nifty answered while I was typing.

I am sad to see it change to I love coming on here to see want is selling today and be able to talk to the seller like a friend. Now it feel more like a business then a family place.
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Once the system is online, the bugs are worked out, and we get used to it things will work fine. You can always make a side thread and link to it in the original auction thread so members can go there to babble.

I've watched Rob roll out a lot of features on BYC and most have been huge successes. This one will be too.
This system is still a friendly one.

If it was all business, there would not be a forum to chat in nor would we allow replies on the auction threads.

If you don't have an "out of ordinary" amount of threads it is free.

Change is never easy, especially when you have been used to unlimited free sales threads.

Now as a seller (and buyer) I am happy to help out the costs of running this site with the small fees that will be charged when I run over my limit. (Yes, I will pay, too and gladly!)

Many forums have memberships or a "donation" option,but I would rather pay for a service than make a non tax deductible donation and get nothing in return.
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