Announcing A Brand New Buy Sell Auction System!

Ive noticed that when Im outbid or my listing ends I still recieve a PM. But...I no longer get a email saying I have a PM waiting. Not that this is a big deal, Im on BYC almost all the time so I see them. I was just wondering if others arent getting the email either?
I love the WTB section... that combined with the search by forum feature is KICK BUTT!

For example, if I have runners for sale, I can go to the WTB section, search that forum with the word "runner" as my search criteria... voila! There's everyone looking to by runners or runner eggs!
Just recieved an email back from Sales, This was the reply

~~~This was answered in one of the threads on the forum.
We will likely be charging, but have not decided how much. Likely a small fee.~~~~

So I'm still in the dark, and I just used my 4th post. When do you all think you will know for sure what the "charge" is?

I thought of an idea, Can you not just charge more on the GFM membership for "power sellers" and Have a higher limit or unlimited sales??
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You do when you let us know at the time you purchase yours.

am still a little confused, but I thank you are saying that if you already a member then you can not add another person but if you have not sign up yet you can add is that right. sorry to ask so many questions
on a side note in the for sale topics of the bst maybe take the ( Post new topic ) button out so ya dont have to keep locking the posts. unless there is a need for them being there
That is a bug we are working on. When we removed the button, it caused problems.

We won't have to lock posts if people read the rules.

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