Annoying Neighbors Anyone?

I vote for a Beware of Owner sign myself... and the camera...

Perhaps if you get film of him on several occasions you can get a restraining order...

You get the tape, then call the cops and/or DA... tell them you're afraid of what he's up to and want their protection...

Trespassing is a crime... Peeping in windows is a crime... and stalking is illegal in all 50 states.
I'll take the dogs over the jerk's we got near us.
One has an easement over our property and he is telling his hunters treat our place like their own private hunting preserve. He has made comments that I am harassing him. He made it to a sheriffs deputy I know.
Second jerk threatened to shoot our cows when they broke down our fence twice. Karama came and got him though, hail storm wiped out his wheat field.
We fixed that fence line 4 different times and are going to run a hot wire along it this summer.

Dogs you can shoot and bury.
My nieghbors are crack deelers and thiefs, my DH was told by the family friend that lives there is that her got "employed" a province away, yep he's in jail wahhoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gonzo&hispeeps :

I'll add a sign next to the No tresspassing, and beware of dog sign that says "Smile Your on Camera" Let'm put that in his little red wagon!

And after you have some good footage of the, er..., neighbor see if you can get a local law officer to watch part of it and then record him saying something like "Mr. _____ (neighobr's name), we have revewed this video and recommend that you stay off the _____'s (insert lastname here) property and leave their dog alone". Burn a dvd and hand deliver a copy of it to the neighbor and tell him to watch it.


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