Antibiotics okay on Egg-bound hens?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
One of my hens, Calico, has a egg-binding problem. See the original thread here:

Just below her vent, slightly to the right is a huge skinless area. She does not preen there and she had many tiny cecal worms (I believe) somewhere on her body. We gave her a bath and the worms came off. Anyways, I was wondering if it's safe to give her a antibiotic to fight the infection or to help with the pain or just ANYTHING to make her feel better! Thank you taking the time to read this!
Cecal worms would not be on the body, they would be in her poop. Did you check her for wounds? If something was floating around after bathing I suspect they were maggots.

Hmm, maybe they were maggots. A lot of poop came off of her in the bath (she is a very fluffy chicken). I think there were cecal worms, but I don't understand what could be causing her wound! I will try to post pictures of her ASAP.
Hmm, maybe they were maggots. A lot of poop came off of her in the bath (she is a very fluffy chicken). I think there were cecal worms, but I don't understand what could be causing her wound! I will try to post pictures of her ASAP.
The maggots were in the poop stuck to fluff and feathers, it's called fly strike. Cecal worms and other internal worms cannot survive outside the host.
Yeah, it's definitely maggots. The problem now is the fact that she hasn't gotten rid of her egg. I'm still pretty sure she's egg bound. She hasn't died yet or passed the egg so nothing new. I may be wrong and there is no egg, but I'm pretty sure because she is experiencing all of the symptoms described in the egg binding threads. We are going to set her up for the night in a little enclosed space near the rest of the flock. I'm not sure if she's going to make it through the night.
Well, I don't have any calcium pills on hand, but I gave her some hard-boiled egg all mashed up with a crushed tums stirred in. I also gave her some chicken food (pellets) with another tums smashed in. There was also a little bit in her water but she made no move to try drinking.
Well, she made it through the naight and I gave her another warm bath, whick she seemed to enjoy. Also, can an egg-bound hen poop? She just had some greenish goop and she's acting better (preening, walking around, clucking). All of the maggots are off, but her rear end is looking pretty nasty with hard, black skin.

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