any advice on lockdown?

i'm on day 26 with three cayuga eggs, feeling impatient! what day did yours hatch or when did you notice any movement? @abidaby thanks!
I didn't notice any movement with mine which did have me quite worried, I was sure that they were all dead. I noticed an external pip on day 27 and then I started hearing the peeping, my runners hatched on day 28 & 29. I candled the rest on day 30 and my Cayuga egg had an internal pip but no external so I helped her out, maybe I should have waited but she's doing great now! :)
They really do test our patience, hang in there and keep us updated. Are you all locked down now?
Wow, I was quite behind here, but glad to see the babies are doing great! And they are beautiful!!
Great job @abidaby
it's day 27 and i still don't see anything, getting really worried! i am all locked down! @abidaby

Nope, nope, nope! Don't worry yet! Its still early.

I know, easy for me to say. But seriously, I know its worrisome, but don't panic. Find something to keep yourself busy.

And just because it does happen, are you positive you counted the days correctly? Day 1 doesn't really start until after the first 24 hours of being set. And also keep in mind, 28 days is just a guideline. Some hatch early, some late. Too many variables to factor in. So just try to be patient. It will happen!
Sit tight, keep us updated. Try not to worry they do like to make us wait... Just read the beginning of this thread you will see they had me panicking!!

I've tried to upload a video of them making a little noise but I can't seem to?
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so this is normal to be this impatient and to keep checking on them every 20 minutes?! haha. I guess it just now hit day 27 3 hours ago... I just thought I would be seeing a pip or a little wobble if I talked to them. @WVduckchick @abidaby Are your ducks house ducks or outdoor ducks or both? And are you guys close with your ducks or do you just have them for the yard? I'm really wanting them as a pet and interested in hearing someone else tell me their pet duck experience!
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so this is normal to be this impatient and to keep checking on them every 20 minutes?! haha. I guess it just now hit day 27 3 hours ago... I just thought I would be seeing a pip or a little wobble if I talked to them. @WVduckchick
Are your ducks house ducks or outdoor ducks or both? And are you guys close with your ducks or do you just have them for the yard? I'm really wanting them as a pet and interested in hearing someone else tell me their pet duck experience! :weee  

My ducks...well, lets just say they tolerate me in their space to refresh their water and give more food. :D
Mine are not house ducks, and not friendly at all. I had 4 at my house, which I hatched a year and a half ago. 1 female, 3 males. So several months ago, I moved 2 males to my farm on my big pond. It's less than an hour drive from my house, we go there every day or every other day. The boys love the pond. A few months ago, my female went broody at home and hatched 10 ducklings. One died and one disappeared within the first couple days, but 8 are doing great now.
Last weekend, I took 4 young ones to the pond with the other boys. They have gotten to where they come running when we pull in, but they still wont let us touch them. I will move the other 6 sometime soon. And not have any at my house, until I get call ducks.

There is a thread for House Ducks. Look in the duck section. There are lots of people that keep them indoors. 4 weeks with my first 4 was plenty for me! :D

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