Any Home Bakers Here?

I couldn't wait any longer to pull out my holiday avatar. Funny the things that excite us, lol. A chicken wearing a Santa that's irresistible! I think everyone should have one :D

Hahaha! Well super cute!
I couldn't wait any longer to pull out my holiday avatar. Funny the things that excite us, lol. A chicken wearing a Santa that's irresistible! I think everyone should have one
I posted question on another thread, but want to know…is the chicken really wearing the hat….would be a great solution for those avoiding frost bite...
I posted question on another thread, but want to know…is the chicken really wearing the hat….would be a great solution for those avoiding frost bite...

Hi, I put my answer down on the other thread but in case it got lost in all the chatter...I found the photo online so not sure if real or photoshopped. The bird looks so much like one of my Red Stars (attitude and all), I just had to use it. My girl would definitely not wear a hat, she's a nudist at heart, lol. Maybe other birds would?
Hi, I put my answer down on the other thread but in case it got lost in all the chatter...I found the photo online so not sure if real or photoshopped. The bird looks so much like one of my Red Stars (attitude and all), I just had to use it. My girl would definitely not wear a hat, she's a nudist at heart, lol. Maybe other birds would?
Saw other thread response, but like this one better...

"nudist at heart"
Hope those house chickens don't see this post and boycott the diapers!
Saw other thread response, but like this one better...

"nudist at heart"
Hope those house chickens don't see this post and boycott the diapers!

(That's one thread I like to pop in and read once in a while, some great stories on that one. And the pictures are fun!)
Tomorrow gonna bake and freeze my wheat rolls for T day. And bake and freeze biscuits for the dressing. And might just bake a lemon pie to tide me over til I get my PUMPKIN PIE thursday. If I have time, gonna make the pumpkin bread - to take to office gang Monday.

Looking forward to the holiday.
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You're going to be hustling tomorrow. And it all sounds good!

Tomorrow I'm going to bake a loaf of bread from the boule dough I made up today. This is a tricky one for me. 2 out of 3 times, it works like a dream but that 3rd time...well, it can be pretty much like a nightmare. I'm keeping my fingers crossed tomorrow is one of the 2 out of 3.
You're going to be hustling tomorrow. And it all sounds good!

Tomorrow I'm going to bake a loaf of bread from the boule dough I made up today. This is a tricky one for me. 2 out of 3 times, it works like a dream but that 3rd time...well, it can be pretty much like a nightmare. I'm keeping my fingers crossed tomorrow is one of the 2 out of 3.
not a clue what boule dough is…will google. Good luck, bet it turns out well.

Ok, found the answer, sounds like more than I want to tackle. If it does well, please, please post a pic.
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Whew, yesterday's dough worked well for the loaf today. I'm so happy, it's DH's favorite and the ingredients weren't a waste on a botched up mess. Here's a photo, it just came out of the oven (and it makes a crackly noise as it's cooling, so cool, lol):

It's a kind of sourdough with a chewy crust and lots of air holes inside.

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