Any Home Bakers Here?

I can’t find the one I’m looking for, but this will do.
Serious Message:

Me and 2 other members of my family are sick. We are having symptoms of COVID-19. If the symptoms get worse today, or persist tomorrow, my entire family is getting tested.

If one of us tests positive, we are canceling the thanksgiving trip to Nevada and we will quarantine the house.

Here is hoping the symptoms do not persist and/or we all test negative.

I will keep you all updated,

There is one thing I want to say . When I make Provolone I soak it in saltwater and you must Cold Smoke !!!! The first time I did it I warm smoked and you would not believe the mess I had on my hands . After all that work of making the cheese it melted down all through the smoker . It didn't take a second time for me to learn :D

How do you make Provolone cheese? If you don't mind I would love the recipe.
Serious Message:

Me and 2 other members of my family are sick. We are having symptoms of COVID-19. If the symptoms get worse today, or persist tomorrow, my entire family is getting tested.

If one of us tests positive, we are canceling the thanksgiving trip to Nevada and we will quarantine the house.

Here is hoping the symptoms do not persist and/or we all test negative.

I will keep you all updated,


Fingers crossed that everyone comes back negative if you have to get tested 🤗🤗 will keep your family in my prayers.
Serious Message:

Me and 2 other members of my family are sick. We are having symptoms of COVID-19. If the symptoms get worse today, or persist tomorrow, my entire family is getting tested.

If one of us tests positive, we are canceling the thanksgiving trip to Nevada and we will quarantine the house.

Here is hoping the symptoms do not persist and/or we all test negative.

I will keep you all updated,

I hope you are all virus free!
Serious Message:

Me and 2 other members of my family are sick. We are having symptoms of COVID-19. If the symptoms get worse today, or persist tomorrow, my entire family is getting tested.

If one of us tests positive, we are canceling the thanksgiving trip to Nevada and we will quarantine the house.

Here is hoping the symptoms do not persist and/or we all test negative.

I will keep you all updated,



Get the test to find out what is going on. Wear your mask every where you go. Take care of yourself and don't overdo.

My prayers are with you and your family. Take care. Karen
How do you make Provolone cheese? If you don't mind I would love the recipe.
I love it also and I couldn't get the cheese my father used to get had to learn to make it . I will get the information out of my shed, I myself have to go back to the book my brain is dead . after you make it soak it salt water over night and don't rinse, let it dry for a few days in a cool area then smoke it . I will go to the shed Wednesday . I will post !

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