Any Home Bakers Here?

From your mouth to Gods hands!
I always went into Labor the day before induction was scheduled.
I think I am going to peanut butter some Ritz for tomorrow until someone gets chatty

Ive never heard of the chocolate covered Ritz before but I cannot wait to try it.

Do you add anything to the chocolate chips? Like a Tbsp of Cho Frosting or anything?
Does the Chocolate harden on them?
Lmao i prayed told God when i was pregnant with lucy he had to do it because i knew i couldnt guve birth to her. That day i woke up knowing it was the day i was extremely calm i called my mom told her i was cooking breakfast and she could come over and eat and that it was the day and she did. I took a nap and had a bath as well before we went lol we got there i was 4cm dilated,
. When the dr got back from a csection it took fifteen minutes and i had no tearing T
God was great to me that day lol. I am praying for the same thing.
God is truely faithful and amazing. I am just thankful that he gave us both kids. Lol i prayed to meet my husband two weeks later there he was, lrayed for a baby got lucy and delivery, prayed to get pregnant with this one and got a baby so i am postitive he ll help.
In his will.
Is the recipe in the index?  If not, please post it….I really want a good gingerbread cookie recipe.

Here it is. I think it makes really nice gingerbread, you just have to make sure you don't overcook them as they go harder the longer they cook and I like mine quite soft.
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Here's my gingerbread coop if you'd like to see:

 see, you can do that! Probably something even better, I hope you (or anyone else) will join in!

 I can't wait to see yours, I know it's going to be wonderful!

Oh my gosh, that's amazing! How can anyone fallow that? I mean, you even have nest boxes labeled eggs!

I looked for a gingerbread house kit today (I know cheating) and couldn't find one! They use to always have them places. Last weekend I went to trader joes and they had one, could kick myself for not getting it! We still may do one with graham crackers.
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My son in law does a special cake for his mom on her birthday every year. It is different and he tries to outdo the last. For sturdy structures on the cakes he uses Rice krispie treats. they are moldable and tasty.
just an idea.

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