Any Home Bakers Here?

Let me know how you like the bread Alice28. Are you going to use your pie pumpkin for it?

Today after baking a pumpkin pie I was still in the baking mood so tried a new recipe; it was for Pumpkin Dinner Rolls. I've never done real well with rolls for some reason but these turned out pretty good! You really can't taste the pumpkin, I think it's in there mainly for moistness and color. DH is looking forward to having them for sandwiches. The recipe is supposed to make 2 dozen but those must be about bite size, I made 18 and they are a decent dinner roll size. Also, I cut back a bit on the sugar because we aren't big on sweet bread (unless you're talking cinnamon rolls, then fughedaboutit). Here's the link if you all want to take a look:

Hope you all are having a good evening and not knocking yourselves out getting ready for tomorrow's holiday!
Found out how to freeze pumpkin pie, in case anyone is interested.
BHG states you cannot and if you do it will be horrible. But someone replied they freeze theirs uncooked...

I baked one and cannot wait to try it tomorrow & put one in freezer for when #1 is gone…two for one ..
For my baking friends:

Hope you have a wonderful day!
@NorthFLChick Yes, using the pie pumpkin for pumpkin bread. Probably going to make it tomorrow morning. My one pie pumpkin gave me 5 1/2 cups of pumpkin! I froze 1 1/2 cups, used 2 cups for pie and have 2 set aside for the bread. Happy thanksgiving!
Wanted to stop in and see how everyones holiday went. I had my family down from CT so my little 3 bedroom farm house had 12 people. I couldn't of been happier. On Monday the 24th my long term boyfriend and I got married with our families at our local courthouse it was nice and simple like me LOL.
I baked my tail off and loved every single minute of it.

Happy Baking
Wanted to stop in and see how everyones holiday went. I had my family down from CT so my little 3 bedroom farm house had 12 people. I couldn't of been happier. On Monday the 24th my long term boyfriend and I got married with our families at our local courthouse it was nice and simple like me LOL.
I baked my tail off and loved every single minute of it.

Happy Baking
congratulations on your marriage. Simple, that's the way to do it.
Wanted to stop in and see how everyones holiday went. I had my family down from CT so my little 3 bedroom farm house had 12 people. I couldn't of been happier. On Monday the 24th my long term boyfriend and I got married with our families at our local courthouse it was nice and simple like me LOL.
I baked my tail off and loved every single minute of it.

Happy Baking
How nice! Especially with your family there. Nice & simple always works well. Congratulations and best wishes Jenn!

Here you go, I had to run in the kitchen and make you a virtual wedding cake, lol.

@jknox1982 Congratulations on your marriage. That is very exciting! I like small and simple. We had a very small wedding and a big reception at my grandma's house. It wasn't anything crazy or formal... I was playing badminton in my wedding dress! Haha.

@NorthFLChick Making the pumpkin bread now! I put some ground ginger in and chocolate chips instead of walnuts (didn't have any walnuts!). I can't wait to try it! Mmmm

It turned out yummy! My son, my husband and I are all enjoying a slice and watching a movie.

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