Any Home Bakers Here?

Hey, Harley riders make the best cooks (that's my DH)
Well he might be a good cook if I'd let him in the kitchen
he makes such a mess.
Hey, Harley riders make the best cooks (that's my DH)
@sunflour you have a good deal there!

I just ordered water cooked chestnuts for the cake--The delivery is Wednesday so I can make the cake either then or Friday.

I can't wait!
Wow, that's great Ron! Looking forward to hearing how it turns out.
Making chicken pie, but feel a bit awkward about using chicken while they're in the house.

Anyone else ever have that sense?
I haven't had a problem eating chicken at all matter of fact we eat our extra roos. you can only have so many. We love them, nurture them and humanely dispatch them though.And we only have chicks periodically so it's not that often we have to do it.
I've being making Australian Damper for years now and it's so simple and easy that anyone can do it. Tastes best on the campfire.

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