Any Home Bakers Here?

@shortgrass. That sounds nice and easy, will give it a try! Just got to work out what a quart of Beetroot is! Converter says it's a liquid measure so how do I turn it into kg?

Oh ha-ha, I didn't put how many pounds of beets that takes... See what happens when we get lazy and try to cut and paste lol :p

Let's see, 1 kg = 2.2 lbs, right? (Haven't had Mr coffee yet lol)

4 1/2 lbs would equal 2 quarts, roughly, so I guess about 1 kg per quart?

Lol here's a pic of the SPICY beet recipe, maybe it's easier when I just take a picture :D I like the spicy one better anyway ;)


Edit* had coffee, noticed my terrible math ;)
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So did I already ask about pickled Beetroot? I've got a heap ready to pick and I want to pickle and bottle them so I've got something ready to eat like the stuff the kids are used to in the cans. Anyone got a good recipe? I was looking at the ingredients on the store cans, they seem to use malt vinegar.

I never liked the canned beets, but love them baked.

If you haven't tried baking them, you should try baking a few - they are very sweet and delicious.
I never liked the canned beets, but love them baked.

If you haven't tried baking them, you should try baking a few - they are very sweet and delicious.

I've never had baked beets before...they sound good! Do you bake them like a potato?
You can put 'em in foil, after you've put a bit of oil and salt on them. Once they are done (around 45 mins to an hour), rub off the skin (pink fingers will ensue if you don't use some kind of rubber gloves) and Bob's your uncle! Lovely earthy, sweet flavour that goes great with feta cheese and a spikey salad dressing.

You can put 'em in foil, after you've put a bit of oil and salt on them. Once they are done (around 45 mins to an hour), rub off the skin (pink fingers will ensue if you don't use some kind of rubber gloves) and Bob's your uncle! Lovely earthy, sweet flavour that goes great with feta cheese and a spikey salad dressing.


That sounds great (except maybe the pink fingers part and Bob's not my uncle, he's my cousin

I like the feta cheese and dressing tip!
My favorite besides canned is slicing them thin and saute in butter; give them that nice crispy buttery crunch ;)

Ugh lol, this is setting off a severe beet craving... And I think I saw lemon bars up there... This is not the thread to visit when expecting ROFL :p
My favorite besides canned is slicing them thin and saute in butter; give them that nice crispy buttery crunch

Ugh lol, this is setting off a severe beet craving... And I think I saw lemon bars up there... This is not the thread to visit when expecting ROFL
We have been very lucky this year-- a couple of stores have had fresh beets since early summer. We have been having them with dinner weekly!
My favorite besides canned is slicing them thin and saute in butter; give them that nice crispy buttery crunch

Ugh lol, this is setting off a severe beet craving... And I think I saw lemon bars up there... This is not the thread to visit when expecting ROFL

I can just imagine! I made the lemon bars last night too, but zested a fresh lemon on top to make it a bit more lemony!
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