Any Home Bakers Here?

I will have him and you guys in my thoughts.
So it is a rainy cool day, may as well bake right? I have old bananas and frozen strawberries, so figure I will make some banana bread and strawberry angelfood cake (it is a mix I will add the strawberries too) Thing 1 has a book with raspberry angle food cake and she has been dying to try it.
Oh and figured while oven was on we would make enchilada s
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So it is a rainy cool day, may as well bake right? I have old bananas and frozen strawberries, so figure I will make some banana bread and strawberry angelfood cake (it is a mix I will add the strawberries too) Thing 1 has a book with raspberry angle food cake and she has been dying to try it.
Oh and figured while oven was on we would make enchilada s
Happy Baking!
At the appointment the dr talks during the casting and joshua dislikes it and crys so i am forcused on keeping him calm so i missed alot lol i had to call the dr to get most of the information. Fridays going to be a long day we have to be there by 5:30am his surgry is at 7:30 and he cant eat after midnight the night before.

Praying for both of you!!
Today I baked wholewheat sourdough dinner rolls and Walnut Oatmeal wheat bread. They both turned out good.. Next I need to try carrot cake I have a little too many carrots in the fridge.
If memory serves, there are 2 carrot cake recipes in the early part of this thread. They're in the index if anyone wants to try one out.
If memory serves, there are 2 carrot cake recipes in the early part of this thread. They're in the index if anyone wants to try one out.

Might just do that. Was going to make my recipe but it's gluten free and have finally run out of the flour from when we did the intollerance trial. Need to find a new regular flour version to become our new favorite :)
Is anyone vegetarians? I need ideas for low meat content foods (red meat disagrees with her ulcerative colitis) that I can cook up and freeze in single serve portions for my sister who isn't well. Need high fibre and low dairy. I've been googling and seems lentils are the way to go? She pretty much just eats vegetables but I want to get some protien in there too because I'm sure I've read that just eating vegetables alone isn't healthy either?

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