Any Home Bakers Here?

Were you saying that you finished that kitchen then sold the house? :th
Similar stuff has happened to me too! I set up a fantastic garden at a place we were renting after living there for 8 years and then moved the next year!

More recently, I replace the tires on our car only to have the head gasket blow. The repair was more than the car was worth so we got a new car
When we were first married to searched for land and an old house to restore. Found house...not in location we wanted.

It took us 10 years to build our own house. I designed it and my husband and I DID ALL THE WORK. We do love our home.
30 years ago, the DW and I were tinkering with different designs as we had planned on building our own. The house we bought here is almost identical to what scribbled down on paper all those years ago.
I have a hard time with the idea of designing my own. I just don't think I could make a decision as there are so many choices! It always helps me to see something rather than trying to imagine it.
You should try or some kitchens to see what you like.

Make sure you have permission though.....:gig
Help, Suggestions, input NEEDED. At a garage sale I picked up an Emile Henry Heavy Pot. I was thinking when I purchased it...I use it
to bake perhaps 1pound loaf of Artisan No Knead Bread. (recipe
Debby posted #5980. Should I place the dough in the oval shaped
(measures 11 across and 6 deep approx)..And it does have a cover
with a tiny hole on top. It is the color of a clay pot. NEVER USED.
I know I need to season it before using. Sorry, got ahead of myself...put the piece of overnight dough to rise in the pot with the cover and then put in the oven. After 20 minutes of baking
remove the cover and let it brown? I want to use it and try...Aria
Help, Suggestions, input NEEDED. At a garage sale I picked up an Emile Henry Heavy Pot. I was thinking when I purchased it...I use it
to bake perhaps 1pound loaf of Artisan No Knead Bread. (recipe
Debby posted #5980. Should I place the dough in the oval shaped
(measures 11 across and 6 deep approx)..And it does have a cover
with a tiny hole on top. It is the color of a clay pot. NEVER USED.
I know I need to season it before using. Sorry, got ahead of myself...put the piece of overnight dough to rise in the pot with the cover and then put in the oven. After 20 minutes of baking
remove the cover and let it brown? I want to use it and try...Aria
It it clay, ceramic or porcelain?

Post a picture if you can.

I would line it with parchment paper

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