Any Home Bakers Here?

@MotherofOrpies thank you for the recipe, copied into my "gotta try it" cookbook.

Couple of questions: the 1 envelope of vanilla - how much vanilla is that? 1/2 teaspoon?
and how much is 1 pkg of vanilla sugar?
Ich use pure milled vanilla, which would be about the tip of a knife, and a envelope of vanilla sugar would be about 10g
I found some beef stew. I wanted dumplings, but don’t have butter. I give you BACON (fat was in the freezer) sourdough dumplings. :th So good!
Ich use pure milled vanilla, which would be about the tip of a knife, and a envelope of vanilla sugar would be about 10g

The tip of the knife sounds like vanilla paste, which makes sense with the rest of the ingredients. I remember my mom using vanilla paste when making wedding cakes - she would add a "tip of the knife" measure.
Vanilla sugar I can make. I have some vanilla beans just begging to be made into vanilla sugar for my tea.

@MotherofOrpies Thanks for the measurement descriptions.

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