Any Home Bakers Here?

My recipe says to preheat cast iron Dutch oven for 30 minutes at 500. Bake bread in cast iron with lid on at 500 for 15 minutes, then remove lid and turn heat down to 450 for 20 minutes.

I forgot to turn the heat down... :oops:

Does anyone use ice cubes in their Dutch oven to create steam? I read that somewhere, and was wondering about trying it.
I tried it once. I wasn't happy with it, so I just use a spray bottle to spray a little water on top of the dough after it goes in, then cover with the lid. Maybe I did it wrong with the ice cubes, I don't know.
I tried it once. I wasn't happy with it, so I just use a spray bottle to spray a little water on top of the dough after it goes in, then cover with the lid. Maybe I did it wrong with the ice cubes, I don't know.
I toss ice cubes or a cup of water in the bottom of my oven, which has a well. But caution, if you're going to pour a cup of water into a 500° over, WEAR GLOVES!
Started a few overnight sourdough loaves, getting up early tomorrow to bake before church :)

The dough for these loaves— a little goes a long way!
Good morning everyone :)

The loaves are shaped and rising. I'll bake the largest one to take to church and put the two smaller loaves in the fridge till I come home.

@Aria here is the recipe:

I mix it around 9pm, shape and final rise around 7 am, bake at 8 am. I double the recipe to make 3 600 gram loaves. The doubled dough came out to 1837 grams, so I made 2 of the loaves 600 grams and did the last one with whatever was left over.

Popping some molasses cookies in the oven for church as well while the loaves rise:
Good morning everyone :)

The loaves are shaped and rising. I'll bake the largest one to take to church and put the two smaller loaves in the fridge till I come home.

@Aria here is the recipe:

I mix it around 9pm, shape and final rise around 7 am, bake at 8 am. I double the recipe to make 3 600 gram loaves. The doubled dough came out to 1837 grams, so I made 2 of the loaves 600 grams and did the last one with whatever was left over.

Popping some molasses cookies in the oven for church as well while the loaves rise:
Good morning everyone :)

The loaves are shaped and rising. I'll bake the largest one to take to church and put the two smaller loaves in the fridge till I come home.

@Aria here is the recipe:

I mix it around 9pm, shape and final rise around 7 am, bake at 8 am. I double the recipe to make 3 600 gram loaves. The doubled dough came out to 1837 grams, so I made 2 of the loaves 600 grams and did the last one with whatever was left over.

Popping some molasses cookies in the oven for church as well while the loaves rise:
I just read the recipe, what surprises me is that she activates her starter for a few days… mine are in a jar in the refrigerator, and whenever I need it, I freshen it up in the morning, at noon I then put half in a clean jar in the refrigerator and use the other half for my bread, I never use any extra yeast, and I use the starter at least every other week, or it may go off..

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