Any idea whan these chicks are? (again, with pictures)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 20, 2011
My babies are 5 or 6 weeks old now. They were mixed bantams from a feed and seed store.

- Sweet n' Sour is a buff color with a bit of black on her tail, green legs, four toes, longish slender body, not much of a comb yet. She's about the size of a robin right now.

- Honey Mustard is all white with a single odd black patterned feather on her back at the apex of her wings, feathered yellow legs, four toes, a single comb, and a very heavy "lumpy" body type. She's about the size of a small dove now. Clerk thought she might be a silkie but I'm doubting that.

- BBQ has lovely dark patterning on his(???) back and wings, a high erect tail, rusty chest, blue legs, four toes, a single comb, and a slender body type. He's about teh size of a robin now.

They are really difficult to photograph but attached are a few pics as young 'uns and a few more recent.

Any help would be appreciated.




Honey Mustard


Sweet n' Sour




Honey Mustard


Sweet n' Sour

((Edited to add pictures))
I have no idea, I just wanted to tell you I loved the little names you gave them. I don't know why but I can't ever come up with good clever names like that.

My poor leopard tortoise I've had for more than a month now, still remains nameless. My wife even made a whole list she got off the internet and I pretty much veto'd them all.

Even my dad got a pair of hens last year, he named them "Biscuit" and "Gravy".

Just wonderful fun names, good job and good luck with them.
BBQ- EE (chipmonk with green legs is very typical of EEs) And a female my guess by the coloring
Honey mustard- white cochin
Sweet and Sour has me confused I have no clue. A buff colored... something

But all three look like pullets to me so far
Thanks everyone! I can research the suggested breeds and see how closely the description matches.

I can't take credit for the names, however. Chicken Dad named them when they were just "nuggets".

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