Any 'Lord of the Rings' fans out there?

I have always loved the books and have read them about 8 times and am about ready for another read. I also love the films and was really pleased with everything about them - unusual as I have never found this with any other book made into a film!
The films are often on tv here so I watch again and again and never tire of them!
I'm a huge Tolkien admirer, too. I've read them almost every year since I was in high school. I'm an ex high school English teacher (now, I'm homeschooling my own three hobbits). The funny thing about the books is that the more you read them, the more there is to discover. They're much deeper than they appear at first reading.

BTW, Tolkien, who was an Oxford professor, specialized in Linguistic studies and his area of special interest was Anglo Saxon and Nordic studies. Many of the names and pronunciations that he used were based on these languages. He also, crazy as it sounds, invented a number of his own unique languages. Complete languages, including grammar, pronunciations and so forth. Uncommon genius.

I know you mentioned you'd seen the films, but, really, you've got the read the books. Both are great works that can stand alone, but the books contain many beautiful things that Jackson couldn't fit into the film format.
Just watched them all last week! I read "The Hobbit" in High School, had a hard time reading all of LOTR. HAD TO--I took a class in Tolkien Literature in college. It was a 2-week--NO JOKE--Interim class and we were required to read LOTR and 3 other pieces. I did NOTHING ELSE for 2 weeks than read!!!!

I think that Peter Jackson created a Masterpiece, even though, in restrospect some of the changes in the movie version are character flaws--Sam was one of the characters NEVER controlled by The Ring.

I think my family watches the DVD's about 3x a year.

BTW, have you read The Silmarillion?
I Loved the Hobbitt cartoon as a kid, and loved the book series. They started on the movie series when I was in highschool and I was so excited I coulda peed myself. I do love the movies they made, I think they did a great job!
Love them - they were on a few Sundays back around here and my hubby and I wasted the whole day watching them (stupid commercials)

Come to think of it - it wasn't a wasted day
It kinda makes me want to write a series on my own world. But it would never be great like this..

I wonder why PJ killed him off....
If anyone needs a bit of a LOTR hit while waiting for The Hobbit to be released, try checking out the amateur British movie (40minutes long) "The Hunt for Gollum." You can google it and download to watch. It' shockingly good for an amateur production.

BTW, Jackson ruined Faramir, one of Tokien's noblest creations! Read the books!

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