Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Hubby and I spent his days off doing spring cleaning outside. We pruned the 2 Crab Apple trees. Pulled a few weeds, threw out the boys old pool and broken pool toys. Took a part the chickens run and shoveled out some poo in to the garden site. They freaked out at all the worms that were there. Got the run put back together and the girls back in just in time to get my self cleaned up an cook dinner. Which I have NO idea what to make.

So far only 2 eggs today but they were both from my SS so I know that Bess and Shirley are laying for sure and I am pretty sure Tess is laying too. That just leaves Mabelline(Mabel) and Betty to start laying
So, what did you end up making for dinner? That can be such a challange can't it? The ONLY thing I dislike about moving upstate is how far I have to go to grocery. No more deciding at 4:30pm what I want to serve, and jumping in my car to get to the butcher in 5 minutes and decide what to buy..

Tonight I was out of anything in the freezer, and didn't want to make the 22 mile round trip to go to the grocery, so I gave the kids a few choices, and guess what they came up with? EGGS!

Yippie!!!! Eggs in red pepper slices!
Well Hubby's touch screen went out in his phone that we just got him. It is a refurbished phone because he broke his screen in his last phone. So we took it in to town to get it fixed. That took about an hour so we ended up going to Arby's and got the Reuben sandwiches. My boys have never had them before. They were okay not nearly enough sour kraut. I feel bad for even feeding my kids fast food but it was already 7pm by the time hubby's phone was ready.
We have a little grocery store here in town but stuff can be spendy. Hubby works at Fred Meyer in the next city north of us do that's where I do my grocery shopping. It's a 28 mile round trip so I only go in when I have to. Which is usually twice a month sometimes 3 times.
So, what did you end up making for dinner? That can be such a challange can't it? The ONLY thing I dislike about moving upstate is how far I have to go to grocery. No more deciding at 4:30pm what I want to serve, and jumping in my car to get to the butcher in 5 minutes and decide what to buy..

Tonight I was out of anything in the freezer, and didn't want to make the 22 mile round trip to go to the grocery, so I gave the kids a few choices, and guess what they came up with? EGGS!

Yippie!!!! Eggs in red pepper slices!
What a great idea, bell peppers!!! And I know what you mean about making a long trek to the grocery store. What's even worse is planning to leave enough gas in the car to get back to the nearest gas station, which is 25 minutes away, one way.
We are between 2 towns. 15 min from each. Not far to go, but when you're on fumes it feels like forever! I just had to share this pic. Last night I had quality time with my silkie :)
. She didn't even peep for 20 min. I will get her cuddley yet!
I am so anxious waiting on my first eggs. My chickens are only 19 weeks, but it seems like its gonna take forever.
I have Silver Lace Wyandottes, New Hampshire, Burr Orphanington, Easter Egger and 1 Silkie, 1Rooster. The rooster is doing his business and 1of my EE and 1 SLW are pretty red but they won't squat for me yet. And someone is getting in the box and messing up the shavings. I sure hope its soon.
So yesterday our weather was windy and snowing so I put crazy Clemi in with everyone and told them to work it out and hoped for the best. Every time I looked out, they were inside so I guess they did ok,no blood. Just before sundown I let them out for some free range time. They quickly learned where to stand to avoid the wind. Clem continued to push Clara around occasionally, like when Clara would walk under her or get in her face, but her threats were not violent so I was happy about that. Today is sunny and no wind so we'll see how today goes. Cross your fingers....I did find her a home if she becomes nasty again but hoping she won't. I do believe my RIR has become Alpha chicken and I have seen her put Clemi in her place a couple of times and in a gentle but firm way.
I am pretty sure it was Annabelle that laid the first egg. She looks skinnier. I know that sounds funny, but it's true. I think Tori may lay today. She's singing some, squatting, stealing all the treats from the other girls and is definitely looking pudgy today. She keeps checking out the nesting box as well. We have hay in ours, but they keep throwing it out and down the ramp, so maybe I will pick up some shavings to use instead.

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