Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Off the egg subject for a second, my RIR's feathers look odd, and at the base of her tail, she's got some balding areas, she reminds me of a dog with a thick undercoat that needs a good brushing...LOL I held her down tonight to see if I could find any bugs, I didn't but not sure I know what I'm looking for. She's got some funny looking areas on her breasts and around her neck, from what I've read, the areas are common areas for feather loss when moulting, but she's not even 6 months old yet> Everyone else looks normal. No roos,,,I read numerous posts on the diseases thread and also posted this too, but since you all are so nice and know your birds, thought I'd check with you. I tried to take a picture, not sure you can see it well.

My girls all have this, but I have attributed it to my Roo, who is quite the aggressive breeder, his time is limited. Is there any picking going on with any of the girls? I have also read that chickens that young go through several "mini molts" during thier first year. Maybe just shedding a few winter feathers? I wouldn't worry too much of course, unless you see some bald spots coming, then you'd have to look further. I have GOT to plan a morning, perhaps when DH is off, and do an exam on each girl. I want to check for any skin problems, look at their feet, and also check their vents. It's very tough to get near any of them with as stressed out as he gets, and makes them in the process.
I am not sure what he is. He isn't mines belongs to my bro-in law. He is a beautiful roo in and out. I told my bro in law the other day how much I love this rooster. He doesn't harass the girls, he keeps an eye on them, calls them when he finds a nice treat. Crows every now and again. You cannot ask for a better roo.
I am wishing for a roo like that! Duke has become quite the pain. I have to take the dog in with me when I enter the pen. He is also starting to fly up when he feels you're getting too close.

I am wishing for a roo like that! Duke has become quite the pain. I have to take the dog in with me when I enter the pen. He is also starting to fly up when he feels you're getting too close. *S*O*U*P**P*O*T*
Wow!!! yes he would have made it to the pot. my bro in law had one that use to harass the girls to much. he eventually caged him because he was getting bad. this roo is so cool and calm. i have never seen one this calm. he doesnt go in thier pen to sleep but sleeps about 8ft away as soon as the sun is up..he is right there waiting for me to let them out. sometimes he is so under me that he nearly gets stepped on.
Tell me if THIS makes sense. I have 6 Australorps, hatched 04/15/12. I also had a rooster, but about a month ago had to cull him. He was getting very aggressive, both to people and the hens. He was from the same batch of chicks, so I forgave his hormones for a bit, but when September rolled around, I wondered. Was his behavior actually stressing the hens out? So, he went. The hens began being very loving to me, very quickly adapted to life without a guy around and proved to be very clever. They are free range throughout the day, but on very rainy and windy days, I keep them in. No eggs. October.... No eggs. I was beginning to think I had found the only 6 hens more interested in girls time. I was prepared to start a chicken sorority. Anyway, last week, I talked to my husband and we decided this was crazy. Feed, straw and maintenance all winter and we didn't have any eggs AT ALL? We knew about the weather and light and laying cycles, but seriously? I went out the next morning and gave them "The Talk". One egg, amongst the 6 of them, or they were done. That's all I was asking. Sunday afternoon I checked on them after a day in town and found my first 3 eggs!!! One was cracked, but the other two were fine! I was so proud and gushing over them. I excitedly looked the next day, and the next, and yesterday. No eggs. I laughed and told my husband they must have drawn straws, and one lost. I still consider myself waiting because if they weren't in the fridge right now, I would think I imagined the eggs altogether!
I had that same talk with mine when they didn't lay. At 29 weeks I went out and told them that I have no patience to feed chickens who won't feed me in return and behold that afternoon 3 of the 5 had laid. I even went so far as to bring in 3 older ladies to show the newbies the ropes. ;). Now through the winter I have been getting 3 eggs one day and 6 the next. Between 9 hens, I guess that is not too bad.
Oh, neat brooster, I may just try that. Where do you get clover seed?
You could try your local seed store. We have some in ND that carry bulk seeds for farmers and you can get a few differ types of clover in bulk by the pound, though if you are planting a small area you should not need much as it typically will spread and reseed itself
Now here are some pics from this morning

And another pic

Overall the fodder grew 1 1/2" from yesterday morning to this morning. Two more days and it should be ready to feed to the girls. I am very happy with the ease of growing so far. I know when I get in full production the it will get a little more labor intensive but I think it will be worth the effort. To minimize labor I am building a rack with a water resevior that will hold 7 trays. One for each day of the week. The there will be a timer that turns on a pump several times a day to water the trays. With this system I will only have the labor of soaking the seeds everyday to start for the next days tray. It all sounds like I good Idea now but I will see how it goes. As I said in a previous post I will be weighing the next run to see how much the fodder produces in weight. More updates soon. By the way another 10 egg day yesterday and we got our first extra large egg!!! Yeah!

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