Any other hawaiians out there?

ALOHA fellow chicken peeps!! i am looking to connect with other chicken peeps here on the BIG island also. i just recently moved to Waimea from honokaa and of course our chickens made the move with us. it has been just over 3 ROUGH weeks since we have been up here. and we have lost 4 chicks and the momma is now sleeping up in a tree since i rescued the last chick from the cat (who is now missing for 2 days and we think he was hit by a car - i have been crying needless to say), and we have been fighting with the MUD in the coop - not fun and now we also have mites - i am in desperate need of some DE or i will soon have to resort to the poison poultry powder they have at the feed store. i saw that there was someone from hilo here... do you know if they carry food grade DE at farm and garden?? really helpful to know before i drive all the way to hilo or kona if i just have to order it online anyway. so good to know there are a few more of us hawaiian chicken farmers here! i will check out your page when i get a chance and all the other hawaiians out there. hope to meet up on BYC with yall soon. mahalo for posts
Aloha! I'm from Hilo so can be one of your chickie peeps!
I'm sorry to hear about your chickies. I hope that little one comes home. I get my DE from Dels in Hilo but sometimes they are out so it might be best to call ahead and have them hold you a bag. I'm sure Miranda's Country Store also has DE. I've never seen it at Garden Exchange and I don't expect they'd have it. They don't carry chicken supplies. The other Farm and Garden store is closed. From my experience, the mites are pretty tenacious. You might consider using miticide first and then wash the coop out and then use DE for maintenance. I've had 2 bad infestations from mynah birds that managed to get in the coop. *ugh* Good luck! Let us know how your chickies are doing!
aloha big islanders -
as i said in my last post i have a single 2 month old wild chicken baby that is so lonely. all snickerdoodles siblings were lost/killed
i have been looking on craigslist and someone has 4week old RIRs - i have called 2x - no answer - i really need to get a few more chicks around the same age. if anyone has a few that they would be willing to part with please let me know. my chickie really needs a few friends soon!! no phone right now - please reply to this post or my message box or email [email protected]
mahalo Big Island Chicks:)

We will be visiting the beautiful island of Kawaii for a week starting the day after thanksgiving. I would like to continue feeding my family properly and so am looking for fresh, clean, BYC cared for eggs. Does any one have some for sale on the island? If so, can you send me a PPM or E-mail so I can purchase some from you? I'd like a dozen or 2 please.
hey hawaiians! where you all at?? i am starting a new big island thread. check it out..
shaka to everyone on the islands. aloha for now i need/should go to bed 3:48am
- i am officially addicted to BYC's! lol
Big Island Chick get some rest................
Silkie new:
Hey we eat tilipia at least once a week...............lucky you/ I have 7 silly SILKIES!

My girls are fussy and fantastic!

I live in Keaau and love our island!
i want some silkies!!
they are sooooo cute. i live in waimea on the wet side...would they do ok up here in all the rain?? i was wondering if they will always look like soggy pompoms or if they can handle they rain a bit?? would they need a totally enclosed coop??? right now my standards have a sort of combined open coop with boxes and they roost on top....they free range alot and i am going to build a bigger enclosed run soon...maybe we will have to build a little silkie hut too!!! mahalo big island chickens lovers!
Big Island Chick: My Silkies are not free range. Too many loose dogs,.feral cats,mongoose and roof rats.It is a shame that they remain confined while other people and their pets live so free and nature is nature, not always nice........... It is very rainy over here in Keaau and my girls at least stay dry as well as safe as I can provide for them.
mahalo dianer29 - sounds like they would need a little place of their own here in wet waimea with a covered run...i'll see if i can get the DH to start on some additions -bigger run for the current flock, another place for month old chicks i am planning on getting in a week or so(i have 2 pullets? 1 for sure) that are separate from the big group already but they are too big already to put chicks in with them...and maybe a silkie home...i also saw on Craigslist someone is selling pairs of red cochin bantams that are so cute...

chickens are like orchids...i need one of every kind!

make that 2 or 3 actually! lol
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