Any other Stephen King fans?


Unbreakable Heart
10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
alvarado, Tx
I just started reading Under the Dome. So far it is really good. Like his old work, Christine and The Stand.

What's your favorite King novel? The Stand

and how about favorite movie from a book? Toss up between The Stand and the Green Mile
I'm reading one of his books right now I'm not that hooked it just isn't one of the best books I've ever read. I froget what it is called Desperation? I think so, maybe its because I have already seen the movie? He probably has other books I would like more.
Favorite Book "Pet Cemetery" made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. But i like all of his books "Thinner" was more psycho than scary to me so was "Misery" then there was "Desperation" that was strange.

Favorite movie from the book "The Green Mile" can't get that gentle soul of a man out of my head and the BBQ dude either
Just a Phenomenal Movie!

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I've read some, but not all.

Haven't committed to reading The Stand yet... but I loved Green Mile... even if it did make me cry.

King has the ability to capture the evil within humanity so well it's scary.

I had a hard time sleeping, and still get the willies, when I remember the Skeleton Crew stories...
Particularly that monkey... urgh!

Doloris Claiborne... (sp?)... wow. WTG Mom!
Gerald's game... Rose Madder... just... wow.

Then of course there is the Dark Tower.... talk about annoying... what is it with long winded authors and wheels.

Don't know that I could pick a favorite...
Yeah, that was a good book. The green mile also...and so many others..
My small town is named in one of his books.. He came here and everything..
I haven't read any of his books for a long time. I got turned off with the gunslinger series. My fav was Needfull things. I actually missed a day of work over that book. I was reading it one night and reading and reading and reading I looked out the window and sun was coming up. I had been up all night reading that book. lol

Steve in NC
I love that movie!! Can watch it over and over.

I have read alot of his older novels when I was younger. He wrote a medievil type story which I enjoyed. Can't think of the name of it though. I may still have it some place. Also I a story about a dog, not Cujo, a different one. That was a good one also.

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