Any Rocky Horror Picture Show fans?

When I was in Second 78-79 my Daddy cam e home with the soundtrack on vinyl.......I listened to it constantly. I knew (and still do) every word to every song. I have never had the pleasure of seeing it in a theater, but I'm sure someday I will!
My hubby had our costume maker friend make him a Frank-N-fruter costume! It's the best!! I'll have to try to figure out how to post pictures on here.
I loved going.We would dress up and throw things. The theater started only letting the "cast" bring stuff in so we quit going. "Hey Riff,show us your mother!"
I LOVE the movie! My first exposure was when we did a showing of it when I was in college. It was SO much fun, well, the parts I remember. I finally got around to buying the dvd this past halloween and watched it with the BF. Unfortunately, he was not as thrilled with it as I was. But there is no accounting for taste.
Gosh, they still do that? I know a lot of theaters that ran it closed down, stopped showing it. When I was in high school, the thing to do was to assemble a costume from the Salvation Army and whatever sewing skills you had. I went as Magenta for a year and a half, Janet as a year and a half. Worked out perfectly with my high school waitressing schedule: get off work at 11:30, go to RHPS, get breakfast at Denny's afterwards. I think I must have been kicked out of every late-night diner in Northeast PA for being in the company of loud, obnoxiously-costumed people...

Our moment of glory was when the president of the fan club, Sal Piro came to our theater and talked about how he started the audience participation aspect. Oh boy!
We still say "OH NO! MEATLOAF AGAIN!" whenever we have meatloaf for dinner.

I think I've been to RHPS about 30-40 times. One of my college friends had over 200 ticket stubs from his visits, though. That's insane!

The newspaper-over-the-head thing and the squirt guns was the best!
Hhahaha. I love the theaters. One time there was a group of annoying girls walking in all whiny and gossiping and everything. My friend and I were sitting up at the top row, and someone had left a big bowl of popcorn on the ledge. I'm not sure why it wasn't cleaned up. Well wouldn't you know my friend's hand slipped and knocked the popcorn on them.
Oh I have no idea why they didn't come back after they ran away screaming.... If only it was soda instead. [Evil laugh]

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