Any Rocky Horror Picture Show fans?

It's been years since I have seen it in a theater. IMHO it just isn't the same on video.
Remind me of some of the participation.... Throwing toast, right? (I can't remember the context of it, though). Water guns...what else?
And when Janet comes on people yell a certain s-word at her, IIRC....

ETA: Here is the Internet Movie Database page on it:

Quotes, trivia, clips, etc.
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They played it at Halloween on Main St. when I lived in Sarasota There Frankenfurters everywhere... oh what a glorious night with lots of crazy pictures.
I use that one all the time, just the other day actually. Dont forget to throw hot dogs at Dr FrankNFurter
And a squirt gun to make it rain.
You're not alone. I was around in the heyday of TRHPS. We would line up on the street for hours to get into the midnight showings of the movie.
People would dress like the characters, break into impromptu renditions of the movies songs and generally act whacky.
We would do all the antics once inside, too: throwing toast and rice, squirting water around the theatre - the whole bit. It was great fun.
I graduated high school in 1980 and by then it was a standard midnight show at one of the theaters. I seem to remember it showed for 20 years....?

I never dressed up. But I watch it now and pick up on all the little innuenidos that I missed at 17.

....btw I love Meatloaf and I have a greatest hits CD. His teamwork with Jim Steinman was great.
One of my all time favorites!!! I finally saw it live in Portland Or. A couple of years ago. Had a blast!!! Took my then 16 year old daughter who loves the movie!! I love Frankfurter the most!!! Can't wait to see it again!!!
I used to go by myself, after work, to the Midnight Show once a week.

I loved Tim Curry so much that he just about changed my sexual orientation. Wait a minute, I'm a woman... I think...
OMG the memories! The president of my church youth group would take a bunch of us to the midnight showing every other week or so. The theater was in an appropriately seedy part of town, and we all dressed up and brought the requisite props (I was Columbia, complete with mouse ears and bustier). I still do the Time Warp just to embarrass DD, and regularly watch my 25th anniversary edition (gotta keep poppin those cherries-- can you believe how many people haven't seen it?!) Thanks for the smile!

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