Anybody else crazy about planting flowers and gardens ???


11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Southwest MO near the ARK line
I have a bad case of Spring Fever here

They are even talkin snow for tonight ??
NOT again??!!!!!!!

So I was just wondering if anyone else is stockin up on those little packets of flower seeds at W. Mart, or Lowes?? Or the bulbs??

I swear I wont buy anymore.....but then, as soon as I see one of those colorful displays, I am drawn to them like I am to baby chicks....
he.gif why fight it ?? Right??

So far...I have gotten : Zinnias, Bluebonnets, Blue Flax, Blue Morning Glory....( can you tell I want a blue flower bed this year?? )

I just thought I might start a thread about flower seeds and compare notes? To help get us thru the last weeks of winter??

Have a good weekend everyone !!!
Hey, I live in sunny California and it is really still too early to plant. I have tied a rope around my hands in order to stop myself from planting tomatoe seeds

If we weren't so busy "preparing" the garden for the early planting, we'd be going broke buying seeds and plants. And they keep sending those pretty catalogs. So hard to resist.
Thank goodness for those weeds that need pulling....
I took my Dahlias out of storage and went through picking out any that didn't survive being stored.

I have a couple new varieties from Walmart and a order of dish plate dahlias from

I also bought some calla lillies and a couple replacement day lilies. Now it just needs to warm up a little more.

Can I suggest BYC's sister site?! I'm well addicted over there these days.... I'm very OBSESSIVELY getting ready for spring here. They just make it worse over there....

Here's the site for all my seedling going in the house, including lotus plants for our pond. Of course our veggi garden is started on their too.

Here's our veggie garden...


We just ordered trees to start our orchard... apple and apricots!!!

I have spring fever on a whole blank slate of an acre we have! LOL:weee
I love gardening and can't wait either. It will still be a few months before we can even move the dirt around. Those pics of vfem's garden boxes made me want to go rolling around in the dirt. Dirt, fresh nice smelling dirt!!! lol!!!
Why is it most folks make their kids stay out of the dirt, but dirt is one of the cleanest smelling things in the world LOL?!! My 3 year old and I planted our onions a few days ago and she looked like Pigpen when we came in the house, that child LOVES dirt. I also have an apple tree, 3 blueberries, 4 grape vines, a fig, and 4 blackberry bushes sitting on the porch waiting for planting. I acquired a day old bottle baby lamb today and she has been the forefront of most of my time this afternoon.

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