Anybody going to be hatching around March 22?

We did mutts last month and I'm amazed at the beautiful colors and it is fun not knowing what you'll get.
I using a hovabator 1588 w/ turner. Just loved my first hatching experience with it. Going to try to do everything the same this time around.
Thanks Carolyn, I just bought one of those. I have the cheapo Hovabator with the thermo discs and am not happy with it at all. I also bought a LG with the auto set thermo too and haven't received either one yet but am anxious to try them.
I also have a home build styro bator that works pretty well.
Morning, fellow BYC hatchaholics!

I've got a batch in my bator gently steaming...hatch will be 3/21 and 3/22. Blue/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas (from Peachick on here) on the 21st, along with some of my own that should lay dark olive colored eggs - I'm not sure they're fertile, as my Marans roo has some frostbite damage, but here's hoping. I checked a few times before, putting the eggs in - some were fertilized, some not. On 3/22, I've got silver penciled rocks (from ugly ducky on here) hatching.

I'm using a Brinsea Octagon 20. Love it so far! GOOD HATCHING VIBES to all!
sounds like im doing the same thing you are. i cant wait to see if our hatches work out. i sure hope so!

I thought you still had to turn them each day up until day 18----- the holes in the egg crate allow the egg to get 99.5 degrees Teresa
I have a homemade cabinet bator. It has three sets of shelves that turn on a hinge. I have the eggs is cartons and just shift the shelves. I have been trying to candle but can't really understand what I am seeing. I did have one white egg w/air bubbles in it. Does that mean it is no good? What am I to be looking for? I am only on day 4 but on some of the other posts you can see veins at day 3. HELP!!!!

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