Anybody Good at Polish Chick Crest/Poof Sexing?


5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I am getting 4 polish chicks on April 7th, but the feed mill I'm getting them from doesn't sex polish. I asked about sexing them a couple months ago, and a helpful BYC member gave me THIS LINK. I tried to test myself by looking at google images and seeing if there was an obvious difference like in the link, but now I think I may not be able to. I do see the difference in the two chicks showed, but I'm wondering if I'll be able to do it with my polish.

If anybody has any pictures or could more deeply explain the crest sexing to me, that would be amazing! If you don't/didn't know how to sex by crest, but want to help, it'd be great if you could try testing yourself, and if you see the differences, please let me know HOW!
Polish CHICK Sexing.jpg (Left is boy, right is girl)
Crest sexing is not that reliable (see avatar GL Polish. She's a pullet) unless you get the chicks from a very reputable breeder who breeds polishes very close to the standard. :hmmSadly, that is all I can say... Likely the reason why cresteds are usually sold straight run.
Crest sexing is not that reliable (see avatar GL Polish. She's a pullet) unless you get the chicks from a very reputable breeder who breeds polishes very close to the standard. :hmmSadly, that is all I can say... Likely the reason why cresteds are usually sold straight run.
I'm not sure where they get their chicks...would it be possible that if they did look like that, could I sex them? At least try? We are thinking about keeping ONE rooster if we get one, and if it's cute and friendly. I know how to sex polish by their crests and saddle feathers as adults, (thank goodness it's pretty easy to do) so otherwise I'll wait for that.
I'm not sure where they get their chicks...would it be possible that if they did look like that, could I sex them? At least try? We are thinking about keeping ONE rooster if we get one, and if it's cute and friendly. I know how to sex polish by their crests and saddle feathers as adults, (thank goodness it's pretty easy to do) so otherwise I'll wait for that.

I think it is possible to sex chicks by crest, especially if they where true like the photo you showed... but I'm not sure I personally would trust my own verdict. However, I only have a little experience with that method and most of my cresteds are not very true to the breed standard (got the peeps from a local grange), making the crests a little unpredictable.

I usually sex cresteds (non-silkie, as I don't have experience with Silkies) by looking at other maturation factors (build, comb & feather development). I am not a pro or anything, but I can usually notice the difference by 8-10 wks (closer to 4-6 wks if It is one I've raised and am familiar with).

If you want, you could post pictures of the chicks at 10 weeks (or better yet if you have time, every week until wk 10). I am not highly experienced with cresteds, but I have encountered at least a few polish breeders/enthusiasts on here who would likely give their input. :)
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I think it is possible to sex chicks by crest, especially if they where true like the photo you showed... but I'm not sure I personally would trust my own verdict. However, I only have a little experience with that method and most of my cresteds are not very true to the breed standard (got the peeps from a local grange), making the crests a little unpredictable.

I usually sex cresteds (non-silkie, as I don't have experience with Silkies) by looking at other maturation factors (build, comb & feather development). I am not a pro or anything, but I can usually notice the difference by 8-10 wks (closer to 4-6 wks if It is one I've raised and am familiar with).

If you want, you could post pictures of the chicks at 10 weeks (or better yet if you have time, every week until wk 10). I am not highly experienced with cresteds, but I have encountered at least a few polish breeders/enthusiasts on here. :)
I’ve heard about feather sexing...does it work on polish?
I’ve heard about feather sexing...does it work on polish?

Sadly, nope. Feather sexing is only possible with hybrids (as far as I know). It is a type of sex-linking. How you get a feather sex-able chick is by crossing a fast feathering father with a slowly feathering mother. The feather development turns out different with female chicks vs male chicks but it only works first generation. You can read more about it here:
Sadly, nope. Feather sexing is only possible with hybrids (as far as I know). It is a type of sex-linking. How you get a feather sex-able chick is by crossing a fast feathering father with a slowly feathering mother. The feather development turns out different with female chicks vs male chicks but it only works first generation. You can read more about it here:
Oh, well thank you. I'll definitely post a thread when I get them and ask about genders.

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