Anybody have a cure for cracked heels?

We make an all natural product free of antibiotics or petrolium with beeswax, lanolin, coconut oil, and essential oils. We call it Qwax because we use it for cracked feet in our ducks aswell. I use it most for my hands after gardening. The essential oils are for infection, healing, and inflammation.

If the crack is so bad it doesnt heal it should be soaked and sealed with our product. My uncle is a plastic surgeon and uses superglue for huge cuts that would otherwise need stitches. Cheyenne pepper powder is great to stop bleeding and draw white blood cells.

Next time I have mange I will have to try it..

If I ever get anything called "rain rot" just shoot me and put me out of my misery. Please!!!

hmmm... I have heard most of the suggestions (corn huskers lotion, bag balm, crisco) but this post got me thinking... there are ads on tv about fungal infections of nails and feet (most have "lactin" inthe name). It is quite possible that there is a fungal component as well as chronic dry cracked skin going on. If it is fungal, I have used an antifungal product called "Toad Juice" I got from a local farm store. "Toad Juice" comes in a lotion, a liquid spray, and a solid roll on and works great on fungal infections I have had on my horses and my mom used it for some red areas that would not go away even with MD prescribed lotions.
If your heels crack so badly that they are bleeding you need a little more than the initial treatments of bag balm and such.

Check your local CVS for Heel Rescue. In winter my heels get like that and it feels like walking on razor blades as the tiny cracks tear the deep tissues as you walk.

Soak your feet in a hot bath and use a foot scrubber to help exfoiliate some of the callused skin.

Use the heel rescue and put on socks for the night. Next morning wash your feet again. Use the heel rescue and wear socks. You should notice huge results after the first use. The cream contains Urea that helps heal the cells.

After that load your feet up with corn huskers, bag balm or even plain lanolin and wear socks. Each evening soak and scrub your feet. In a week you won't believe you have the same feet. Trust me.
i to have bad heels, tho i cant wear socks to bed,use a foot file and cracked heel cream day and night .wear socks and shoes all day,keep feet clean and creamed!
Burts Bees is an amazing product line for dry skin of all kinds. my hubby is a carpenter - in the winter his hands would crack so bad they would start to bleed. Couple of years ago bumped into this product line and haven't had a problem since. good luck
A couple of things to keep in mind about dry skin...

• Vitamin D deficiency can cause dry skin.

• Commercial lotions are composed mainly of water. When you apply lotion it gives you temporary relief, but ultimately CHAPS your skin, requiring you to use more and more.

• Mineral oil, a standard lotion ingredient, can aid the formation of skin cancer.

• Some of the best lotions are natural oils and butters. Look for oils that are cold pressed, or created without the chemical hexane. Sweet almond oil and jojoba oil are two that are very close to the natural oils your skin produces and make great natural moisturizers.

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