Anybody have pics of Black Star chicks/Hens?

This is Susan, her comb is droopy. She's the boss lady and treat hog! Such a personality!


~*Sweet Cheeks*~ :

Love the colors on the front of Susan. Is she a good layer?

What causes droopy combs?

She lays like a champ, probably on average 5x a week large brown eggs...I have no idea about the comb but none of my other chickens have it, she is my only sex link...​
Our black stars have been laying for almost a year now. They're good layers but not very friendly with us. They aren't mean, just skiddish. We do like them a lot so I have six more or so coming in our next chick order.
You're right about the head spot, a spot on top of the head is a roo.

And all of yours are pullets, if you had a roo, you'd know, he would be barred.
Wow Rareroo -

My little chicky doesn't look a thing like your little pullets. Mine has much more black. At 1 1/2 wks old, the new wing and tail feathers are all black as well. Black beak, comb, and feet with the white under the chin and rump.

I guess it's a wait and see if any gold comes in on the neck.

Thanks for sharing your great photos.
Well like the top of my post said, mine were crossed with a Buff Orp roo instead of a RIR or Pro. Red. that hatcheries use, so mine will have more buff, I'll try to get some up dated pics tomorrow, they're big perdy girls now.

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