Anybody lose their unemployment yesterday?

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I totally agree. Well said.

Irritates me when I see these "baby mama's" (with about 5 kids) in line at Wal Mart with 2 baskets full of food (steak, seafood, soda, Little Debbie cakes, etc) and they have just gotten a $40.00 manicure and a $50.00 pedicure and a beauty shop hair do that is about $80.00 and they are dressed to the 9's and they pull out that food stamp card. I blow up. Then they go to the parking lot and get in a Cadillac Escalade. While I'm in line with about 10 items and all of them are generic/off brand.

Not to mention that these food stamp cards allow you to get CASH back! CASH BACK !!??? WHAT?? I personally witnessed one girl get $40.00 cash back so that she could go to the night club with her boyfriend. She actually said that is where they were going. She said that they could get in with the extra cash from the food stamp care. Well before getting the cash back, she purchased 2 bags of skittles with her food stamp card.

Now, I do know that some people really need food stamps/welfare and they do not abuse that privilege. I wish things were better for those families. But for those that abuse this, then ........

Ok, I just had to get that off of my chest. Sorry that I went off topic.

Ah so you've met my sister? Well, she only has three kids. And no Caddy, mom handed her a (nother) car... but the way she shops, yeah. And the hair, mani, pedi, lets not forget the fake eyelashes I thought that was a nice touch. Never held a a job longer than two weeks so she's never qualified for unemployment... but she does get child support and SS disability. Learned from mom how to get a free ride to the looney bin. Isn't hard. Now she's "disabled" and will never have to work. On the cash thing though, HERE at least, there is food stamps and there is TANF (temporary aid for needy families)... Cash. Both ARE run through the same card, but not everyone gets TANF... the theory is that you get that so you can pay deposits, rent, bills, etc you know, like if you lost everything? Supposedly it's hard to qualify for that, never have met anyone who managed it... FS yes, medicaid, yes, but not that. *shrug* But when taking Gran to that office once I was quite peeved to see a brand new Caddy with "ENVY ME" vanity plates parked in the handicap spot with no H-tag... meanwhile Gran who couldn't breathe got to hike. SOME people are just... well you pick a word... some are truly in TEMPORARY need... some are between the two. I try not to judge but that Caddy, the cart full of Reeses PB cup cereal at $4 a box, Doritos at $3/bag, Candy at $2/pop, Cases of cokes for $5 each... Makes me just want to scream "The point is supposed to be NUTRITION you moron"
Well Gee Pinapple! I was thinking that was my sister. 2 kids with no child support, living off my mom & me. She's got food stamps, and only works 20 hours a week, but carries a coach purse and bought a new nissan sentra the same week my mom's truck got repoed!

She complains her food stamps don't cover them all, and borrows $50 a month in food stamps from me.

I am so surprised I haven't blew up on them... YET... especially after they borrowed $50 last month to get their electic turned back on, and then something happened and they used that money for something else... called me 3 days later to stay at my house because it was 'cold' and the electric still wasn't back on.

You know... last time I got my hair cut was October 2009, and I cut off 11" of my hair to donate so I got a free cut. Haven't had one since... but need one desperately! I haven't done my nails since my wedding, and I've lost 16lbs since September... and I have only 3 pairs of pants that fit anymore. *insert aggrivation*

I found out she has over $800 in items on layway for her kids at kmart, while I told my 3 year old Santa's workshop and elves run off of donations... and Santa had to lay off elves this year because they didn't raise enough money to bring kids as much as they used to on Christmas. I told her Santa is still coming, but she won't get everyone on her list. She says that's ok... so we packed a bag full of her old toys to donate to the kids santa may not make it to see this year. Her compassion blew my mind for a 3 year old.

I mean, I keep a good face through all this as best I can... but really. I would never sit on butt and collect money if I didn't HAVE to. I really really really hate our system.. its so backwards! Keep the poor as poor as possible to collect, and keep the rich as rich as possible... while the people in the middle are on a constant yo-yo.
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4 years ago, I was laid off and couldn't find a job for 10 months. Back then, there were no extensions for unemployment benefits, so I spent 4 months with -0- income. I don't have the greatest credit. My mom had to take out a loan so I could pay my bills and feed my son. By the grace of God, I got the job I have now. It is a very scary day when that last check arrives in the mail.

As a footnote, the reason these benefits are not bein extended is because one side wants to wait until it's funded before passing out checks and the other side wants to hand out the checks and then fund it. They are have a "Hispanic" standoff.
That's the official line anyway. Both sides are using it as a political football. It will be extended anyway. Why not just do it now, before people get kicked out of their homes, lose their deposits and have no place to live? It's time they start looking at the people in the USA instead of just the people that contribute money to them.

I say bring them all home. They won't do a thing for the next 2 years. They have already stated that they will not do anything, so why pay them? Just turn the power off at the Capitol and send everyone home. Leave Obama there because he is the Commander in Chief and they need his okay to wage war.
i've read bits and pieces of this thread, must say i feel for any of you who are unemployed in these harsh times and are going through some of the things mentioned in here. i'm so glad i live in a country that doesn't have time limits on benefits. to be forced into losing your home, getting into debt or relying on family members to support you just because of not having work when there's not enough out there for everyone is a terrible situation to be in. must be a horrible feeling knowing that the safety net we have here in case of such dire circumstances doesn't exist to the same degree.

sure there's cases of benefit abuse but really i'd rather give a few too much than a lot not enough.
I have heard that in Germany, the govt subsidizes the employers during hard economic times. Instead of paying unemployment they pay 80% of wage and keep the employer in business. That way money continues to go into the economy and people work for the money they receive. Of course they only do that during very hard economic times. Might be one of the reasons that Germany is recovering much faster than us. Japan does the same thing with some variation. Their economy has been in a slump. but they keep their people fed and housed. It's amazing how countries that have been around much longer than the US have learned over the years how to keep going. It's kind of like having kids. You try to teach them and keep them from doing the same stupid things you did. They still have to do it though. After all they are smarter than you are. Or so they think.
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Speaking of Germany……My brother and his family are stuck in Germany….. He was sent over there in the army and married a girl over there and had kids. He got out of the army and stayed for 13 years. He lost his job as a handler for a bomb sniffing dog 1 ½ years ago and has been trying to come over to the states with his family for the past 8 months because there are no jobs. He doesn’t get enough “welfare” to feed his family and pay his rent and oil bill. His kids would starve and be cold at night if my mom and I didn’t send him money every month. They are still looking for work even though they are trying to get to the US. They have been waiting for 8 months for a visa so he can bring his wife and they still haven’t had the interview…..there will be more waiting after that. It really is a sad situation in the US as well as other countries.
I am one of those people who say go out and get a job....I have suffered unemployment, raised a child by myself, did not have a wealthy family....I worked minimum wage, lived in a shabby rundown trailer, did not have TV (we went to the library), did not have Internet (wasn't around then), had a beater car...we were white trash....

But ya know...I guess I am an optimist, because I always knew I would make it, and my daughter would be cared for...I have worked 3 jobs just to put a roof over our head, so yes, I do know what it is like!

Part of the problem is people refuse to work for minimum wage....for what ever their reasons, they still want the same lifestyle they had before the economy took a nose dive. Unfortunately, things will probably never be the same, so maybe it is time to put on our big girl pants and stop complaining about what we have lost, or might lose, and move is ever changing and fleeting.....never look back!

By the way, it is interesting the many who say the can't pay their mortgage still have the Internet, satellite, cable and a cell phone....those would be the first things to go!

It is also interesting that so many do not want more government....but as soon as they need something....its...why is the government not doing something?

Just my thoughts......
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Mrs. Turbo :

Speaking of Germany……My brother and his family are stuck in Germany….. He was sent over there in the army and married a girl over there and had kids. He got out of the army and stayed for 13 years. He lost his job as a handler for a bomb sniffing dog 1 ½ years ago and has been trying to come over to the states with his family for the past 8 months because there are no jobs. He doesn’t get enough “welfare” to feed his family and pay his rent and oil bill. His kids would starve and be cold at night if my mom and I didn’t send him money every month. They are still looking for work even though they are trying to get to the US. They have been waiting for 8 months for a visa so he can bring his wife and they still haven’t had the interview…..there will be more waiting after that. It really is a sad situation in the US as well as other countries.

I take it he is still a US citizen? When I was over there in 80-82 I couldn't believe how generous their welfare system was. I guess it has changed. Was he employed by the US or by Germany? I know they are very protective of their jobs.​
I am one of those people who say go out and get a job....I have suffered unemployment, raised a child by myself, did not have a wealthy family....I worked minimum wage, lived in a shabby rundown trailer, did not have TV (we went to the library), did not have Internet (wasn't around then), had a beater car...we were white trash....

But ya know...I guess I am an optimist, because I always knew I would make it, and my daughter would be cared for...I have worked 3 jobs just to put a roof over our head, so yes, I do know what it is like!

Part of the problem is people refuse to work for minimum wage....for what ever their reasons, they still want the same lifestyle they had before the economy took a nose dive. Unfortunately, things will probably never be the same, so maybe it is time to put on our big girl pants and stop complaining about what we have lost, or might lose, and move is ever changing and fleeting.....never look back!

By the way, it is interesting the many who say the can't pay their mortgage still have the Internet, satellite, cable and a cell phone....those would be the first things to go!

It is also interesting that so many do not want more government....but as soon as they need something....its...why is the government not doing something?

Just my thoughts......

I'm not in the anti govt crowd. I agree that if you complain about government then don't complain when you lose a benefit.

If I lost my job, the first thing to stop would be mortgage payments. I would live in my house till I got evicted. Of course my payments are 2300 a month. If I was paying 800.00 a month I wouldn't even think about moving. Then I would go find some crappy trailer to live in. I've done it before. Maximum unemployment which I would qualify for would barely pay for food and electricity.

I would also get whatever job I could do. I've flipped hamburgers before. I couldn't do it now unless I could find a doctor that would give me pain pills. My scoliosis prevents me from standing more than 10 minutes without serious pain. I could do it with some pain killers though. I could also do janitorial work. I've seen a lot of obviously over qualified people doing menial jobs. It's going to be real common from here forward. Engineers designing better built burgers at your local Ptomaine Arches, aspiring to be a manager for 25k a year.

Don't waste your food a starving person in America would kill for that. Latest saying to Chinese children.
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