Anybody lose their unemployment yesterday?

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Interesting. I had no idea. Sounds to me like that could do a LOT more good than letting the business fail/cut jobs and just handing checks out with no products produced.

Of course, some might say that that's what we've done with the bailouts... and in a way I can sorta see the point, money going to a private business and all. The difference is that in a bailout they can spend as they wish and still cut jobs... whereas with this system the money KEEPS jobs, not at 100% but still something, people are still EARNING (which if nothing else is huge in the attitude dept), and product is still being made.... sales still being made... tax revenue still coming in...

Yeah, I'd be open to an idea like this, at least willing to listen, if I was in office and someone proposed it.
Interesting. I had no idea. Sounds to me like that could do a LOT more good than letting the business fail/cut jobs and just handing checks out with no products produced.

Of course, some might say that that's what we've done with the bailouts... and in a way I can sorta see the point, money going to a private business and all. The difference is that in a bailout they can spend as they wish and still cut jobs... whereas with this system the money KEEPS jobs, not at 100% but still something, people are still EARNING (which if nothing else is huge in the attitude dept), and product is still being made.... sales still being made... tax revenue still coming in...

Yeah, I'd be open to an idea like this, at least willing to listen, if I was in office and someone proposed it.

I didn't lose mine, but I can re-apply as I have not been unemployed as long as many people. I do know of one guy whose claim ended the day before the cut-off and I think he's getting his extension. Very lucky.

I am trying very hard to find a job and earn money, but I have a few health issues that make it hard to do some of the jobs that I used to be able to do, say, 20+ years ago. Plus, I worked for a government department and there are no jobs in my field at all because the department I worked for is always the first to get cut, not just in my town, but all over the country.

ETA: And, a large portion of my family is also unemployed or had cut-backs, so no use relying on them for support.
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I want everyone to know my husband is turning down the job. I know we're not supposed to... but we're in 'pending' with unemployment anyways. I doubt they'll give it to us.

The gas station manager up the street said he'd do better for Brian since he knows him and can trust him.... I hope he can match or beat $10 per hr. Then my husband wouldn't be too tired to take on a second job if we need it (and we will).

My husband called me and said the job is just grunt work... he's been crawling under houses fixing insulation and installing insulation around pipes and such. He's covered in mud, he smells terrible and he's yet to even meet or talk to the guy who hired him other then on the phone. I told him I've watched him struggle and I've watched him suffer to care for this household! I have NEVER had such respect for someone in my life... I will not watch him crawl on his belly through the mud to NOT make enough to keep us from losing our home. That is just adding insult to injury. And I still can't believe this guy isn't even going to meet and talk to my husband face to face before sending him out to work on someone's home?

My husband, bless his heart, did job site clean up in construction for 2 years. He worked his way up in a company so he could apprentice, then became a carpenter's helper and in turn a carpenter. 12 years later, worked up from $9 an hour to have this family. I see no reason anyone should be so 'lucky' as to take a job and be treated like they should be kissing someone boots for that job... when they can't pay the bills? Its outragous!

I am one of those people who say go out and get a job....I have suffered unemployment, raised a child by myself, did not have a wealthy family....I worked minimum wage, lived in a shabby rundown trailer, did not have TV (we went to the library), did not have Internet (wasn't around then), had a beater car...we were white trash....

But ya know...I guess I am an optimist, because I always knew I would make it, and my daughter would be cared for...I have worked 3 jobs just to put a roof over our head, so yes, I do know what it is like!

Part of the problem is people refuse to work for minimum wage....for what ever their reasons, they still want the same lifestyle they had before the economy took a nose dive. Unfortunately, things will probably never be the same, so maybe it is time to put on our big girl pants and stop complaining about what we have lost, or might lose, and move is ever changing and fleeting.....never look back!

By the way, it is interesting the many who say the can't pay their mortgage still have the Internet, satellite, cable and a cell phone....those would be the first things to go!

It is also interesting that so many do not want more government....but as soon as they need something....its...why is the government not doing something?

Just my thoughts......

without getting unemployment for over 99 weeks , guess either take any job....or join welfare that so many on here have knock other for...those last 73 weeks of unemployment are welfare under another name.....taxpayers pay for both.
Well we can all be greatful for one thing; the largest corporation made the highest profits on record last quarter, so at least their happy and richer. Who knows, what the heck, maybe someday, some year, some where, that "trickle down" will finally happen. Whatever, there'll be pie in the sky when we die.
"The nation’s workers may be struggling, but U.S. companies just had their best quarter ever.
U.S. businesses earned profits at an annual rate of $1.659 trillion in the third quarter, according to a Commerce Department report released this week. That is the highest figure recorded since the government began keeping track more than 60 years ago, at least in nominal or noninflation-adjusted terms."
This has to be the most depressing thread I have ever had the displeasure of reading...sorry, but it is the truth.

We can survive this economy. Things will NOT be bad forever. I hate to see you all who are suffering go through this crap, but I don't have the money to help everyone. I wish I did. I'd give those who want jobs a job, and those who don't could kiss my butt, but still...seems like at least half would be better off. When we were in the middle of our personal financial slump, we thought we'd lose everything too. We DRASTICALLY reduced our lifestyle, and much of that is still on hold till further notice. We did find ways to make enough to make it work, and keep everything except for a couple "big ticket" items, but necessity was there, and remains still. We sold most everything not nailed down, and not necessary to pay on the house every month. We did everything as cheap as possible if it had to be done, if it wasn't immediately necessary, it got put off. Anyway... We were blessed, or at least I think we were/are. I hope everyone else comes out of this feeling blessed as well. I don't have the answer to the problem. Some things that seem like good ideas may or may not be, and I don't have the power to put any of them in place even if it would fix the problem anyway. All I offer, from here on out, is support.

We spend all of our time worrying about the undeserving poor, screaming about the "lazy" people and the "people who had too many kids" etc etc..... The $300 a month they get is nothing compared to what is being spent to "help" big business. Have you read up on corporate welfare lately? We don't have money to feed people because they are "lazy" but we can still give not only tax breaks, but direct no interest loans to the big boys who SEND IT OVERSEAS.

Trickle down economics os based on an economic theory that reflects economic conditions of 150 years ago. Now when the top 5% get large sums of money they dont invest in businesses which hire people they invest in "financial innovations" which not only do not put money back into the real economy, in many ways they drain it.

I can back every word of this up with data if you want it.
I take it he is still a US citizen? When I was over there in 80-82 I couldn't believe how generous their welfare system was. I guess it has changed. Was he employed by the US or by Germany? I know they are very protective of their jobs.

He is a US citizen and his kids are too......just not the wife, yet. He was employed with Germany. He had to pass a written German test and speak the language. The company went through and let several people go, not just him. He migh be having a harder time because he is not German.
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