Anybody lose their unemployment yesterday?

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How long can you collect un-employment or is it based on the amount of weeks you worked prior to being un-employed?
How long can you collect un-employment or is it based on the amount of weeks you worked prior to being un-employed?

The normal is 26 weeks....then it has been extended and extended, now its has went to 99 weeks ,thats almost 2 yrs..
That's the official line anyway. Both sides are using it as a political football. It will be extended anyway. Why not just do it now, before people get kicked out of their homes, lose their deposits and have no place to live? It's time they start looking at the people in the USA instead of just the people that contribute money to them.

I say bring them all home. They won't do a thing for the next 2 years. They have already stated that they will not do anything, so why pay them? Just turn the power off at the Capitol and send everyone home. Leave Obama there because he is the Commander in Chief and they need his okay to wage war.

Oh that's happened all ready to some of us.
and those hoping to recover...
I will loose my unemployment benefits soon. I do live with some other people that have some income coming in the household so will definitely help.....and I am starting a new job very soon. Good paying job but hardly any hours to start....I need students....I can market for them and earn extra money too. Once I get more my hours may increase. My benefits will run out the first week in Jan as of now.

I am sorry for all having to go through this and I hope you can find work, make ends meet somehow.

Well it helps profits when you lay off half your workforce and then make your remaining employees feel like they better put out a lot more work if they don't want to be next. There is a serious realignment happening in the work force.

They have almost accomplished what Reagan started. Get rid of the unions and take things back to the 1800's as far as wages and worker rights are concerned. Obviously not the same actual wages, but the whole concept that was in place back then. The Unions created middle class America. They were very good for the country. They did get a little out of control during the 70's and 80's but they set the trend for livable wages. Now we're going in reverse.

The big companies are very happy about all the hard working people that support their anti-union stance. They love the here take my money away just please give me a job climate that has been created over the last 30 years. They can sure put it to a lot better use than their workers can.

Thanks Ronny.

I doubt whether you know all of them.

i didn't find it offensive
(mind you i'm not easily offended) in fact this bit
made me laugh out loud for real

Thanks akaxo.

I hope that the mining disaster didn't affect you directly. A terrible business. I caught the two minutes silence and part of the memorial service on the tv. Nicely done, thoughtful and quite moving.
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