Anybody lose their unemployment yesterday?

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Eternal optimist huh? I give it until ....about an hour from now
We NEED jobs!

Employers dont have the income like they used to so it is like stalemate for those who wants to work and need positions to be filled.
I'm going to have to say locked by Thursday night

But it would be really interesting to hear from folks who ARE going through this . . . . . not just the rest of us gabbing about it.
My husband's filing said he only had a week left last I checked... though he was supposed to have unemployment through January... don't know why? He's taken 2 temp jobs... they didn't pay well, but more then unemployment... then they ran out, and now unemployment says its run out on us too? We didn't claim unemployment for nearly 3 months, but we're being treated like we drained it anyways?

Anyhow... he's responded to EVERY job that has called him... none called him back to any more interviews.

He has an interview for $10 a hour tomorrow. It will cost us nearly $100 in gas a week for him to take it. But what are we to do? I'll have to take on a part-time job, plus my business, plus his work to make ends meet.

With that said... we have a home... but NO credit card debt... and no car payments... and we're already on food stamps? What did we do to deserve this? We were never greedy! We lived happily on $2200 a month. Now we don't even make $1200.

I know my mom lost her unemployment... and several others...

I'm taking bets 'roommates' who can't pay rent will be moving in with us eventually. There is little hope... I couldn't even go bury my grandfather because I can't leave since I can't afford to feed my daughter most days. When we run out of food stamps (we only get a small % of food stamps, we make too much) we go through my neighbor's church for the remainder.

I am so embarrassed to beg.... I work harder then some of the people sitting on their butt complaining about their jobs when they should be lucky to have one!
We went thorugh it. I was unemployed no unemployment benefts, and DH was drawing, but $300 a week to feed, clothe, and put a roof over 5 people...same as. We survived, others will too. It just sucks like you couldn't possibly imagine while your knee deep in crap.

ETA: DH finally found a job that pays slightly less than half what he was making. Thankfully we are doing fine.......for now.
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why is it sad to get a job and get off our butts. working is the american way, not welfare.

Hoppy you are thinking right, but welfare , food stamps can still help those that take those lower pay jobs. Feel alot better helping people that try to work, than staying home collection unemployment for 20 months.

why is it sad to get a job and get off our butts. working is the american way, not welfare.

It's sad that people assume that a person on unemployment would prefer to collect a meager unemployment check instead of getting a job. A 40 hr a week minimum wage job pays the same or better than what most people get on unemployment. I know some people lounge around and don't look. I think most people do look. There are places where there are no jobs.

Actually the post was directed towards unemployed people that will now have no safety net at all. It would be nice to hear from them instead of just negative comments about them.
why is it sad to get a job and get off our butts. working is the american way, not welfare.

It's sad that people assume that a person on unemployment would prefer to collect a meager unemployment check instead of getting a job. A 40 hr a week minimum wage job pays the same or better than what most people get on unemployment. I know some people lounge around and don't look. I think most people do look. There are places where there are no jobs.

Actually the post was directed towards unemployed people that will now have no safety net at all. It would be nice to hear from them instead of just negative comments about them.

Not trying to be negative, just pointing out still out there.

After first 26 weeks ,taxpayers were paying those unemployment payment/ welfare is still there to help, being payed by taxpayers just move from one to another place....just hope those that need it are not to proud to accept help.
Heres a little bit of reality for some folks..

If you're used to making $40 an hour... and you get laid off in that field because theres no work.
What DO you do? Sure you look for another job. Making what $10 an hour?? How do you survive that cut?? How do you pay $1,400 a month mortgage and lights/ phone.. etc. with THAT type of pay cut?
Answer: You dont.. you lose your house.

My husbands in a union.. he CANT just go find ANY sheet metal job... it HAS to be a union job gotten through HIS union. OR they will screw you over. He'll have to pay back $thousands of schooling they provided him for 5 yrs while he was an apprentice...
Plus your a Scab. and you get black balled in that field.
Also.. we live in a small community.(where there are NO jobs..everyone else has them..)..So... if he takes a $10 an hour job.(Walmart..local store, restaurant... whatever..). and the union calls him in.. Of course he'll go in! (duh)..
But when the union calls you in... they dont give you 2 weeks notice... they usually say be there Monday or even the NEXT day...
When the job need to be there when they need you... not when you want to show up!
So... do you screw over your other $10 an hour job?? I guess you have to...
But then when union works slows down again... where do you go to work?? That $10 an hour job WONT hire you back because you only gave them a few days notice...
So... What do you do?? All you folks that say peole are just lazy and dont want to work?? Tell me.
Thats why unemployment is so important to some families. The people that get unemploymet HAVE WORKED to earn that benefit. So they ARE workers!! Not like they had 6 kids to just sit around and mooch the system dry.
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