Anybody lose their unemployment yesterday?

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Well Said
Me too......hearing folks who ARE or WILL BE going thru this...........

Me three....

I wish all of you facing this tough situation well... Remember it is only money... Family, love and your personal self esteem are far more valuable than money..

For the record I am a self employed (entrepreneur with a 4 low paying diversified areas of income.) and my spouse makes $10 an hour.. We are poor, but are fortunate to be debt free... We fully utilize all free time to save money. We are fairly self sufficient cutting our outside expenditures by more than 50%..

If we can not do something to earn money we do something to save money...

Remember a penny saved is a penny earned...

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Me too......hearing folks who ARE or WILL BE going thru this...........

Me three....

How about no shoulda coulda wished you woulda.....

I wish all of you facing this tough situation well... Remember it is only money... Family, love and your personal self esteem are far more valuable than money..

For the record I am a self employed (entrepreneur with a 4 low paying diversified areas of income.) and my spouse makes $10 an hour.. We are poor, but are fortunate to be debt free... We fully utilize all free time to save money. We are fairly self sufficient cutting our outside expenditures by more than 50%..

If we can not do something to earn money we do something to save money...

Remember a penny saved is a penny earned...

Times like these really show the importance of being debt free. If you own a house free and clear and are debt free, you should be able to scrape by on very little if you have to. Unfortunately most people are not debt free.

I bet that most of these people on unemployment are already living at a very low level. Unemployment isn't meant to pay a mortgage. It's just meant to pay for food and rent in a very low level apartment. It's very close to welfare. I feel bad that these people are in this position because of circumstances beyond their control. Meanwhile the people that caused it all are doing better than ever.

My oldest son , did lose a job making over 30.00 an hour, he took a job making 10.00 an hour. He also had to get foodstamps to take care of his family of 5....his wife lost her job also. Reason he took the 10.00 an hour job in place of unemployment. he want the job before they were all gone , as he thought he would lose unemployment after 26 weeks. Some of his coworker are still on unemployment, because they made more on unemployment than 10.00 hr jobs.. guess what now its hard to find even those low paying jobs.

Unemployment if for short term like 26 week ,that employer payed into. Anything over that is payed by taxpayers.

Oh , my son just got a higher paying job 3 months ago 13.00 believe me , i know what people are going thru. Here in Ohio our unemployed is over 10%
To those in trouble.

DH doesn't make all that much compared to some jobs but since he works for his dad he can go to school and still bring home enough to keep us going. Tight, but able AND working his butt off to do better. Wouldn't have that luxury with a lot of other companies.

And it isn't always easy on his dad... he's literally gone months without taking a dime in pay... taken loans... sold equipment to make sure everyone else got a paycheck for the hours they've worked... family member or not. Most businesses are just not like that. If they can't take a profit themselves they cut jobs. I'm so thankful DH has this job, this family. We're very very lucky.

Here's hoping that the folks in trouble find a great employer who can pay enough to survive (maybe not cable, but food and rent yes) until things balance out and a 'good job' comes along.
I know I am fortunate... We have been planning for this for a very long time... It is still tuff.. My 99 truck is getting quite a bit of duct tape on it to hold it together...

Imo the snowball is going to start to roll faster and get bigger now...

Just the facts.

One: every business owner has to pay for unemployment "Insurance". This is part of running a business. Now if that money that is collected for Insurance is not enough to cover claims then the Insurance company is in big do do. In this economy this is what is happening. There are more claims/ money to cover than moneys being collected to cover those claims.

Just like in the Home owners Insurance business when hurricane (whatever) hit Florida a few years back and New Orleans. Insurance companies just didn't have the money to cover those claims so they tried to lie their way out of paying.

That said Unemployment Benefits are not the same as welfare. All of us would be very upset if we had a car accident and our insurance company told us they didn't have the money to cover our claim. Especially after we paid for the insurance.

Now it is not going to be easy for those whose living expenses are geared to one income level and then have to try to live at a lower income level. Especially since minimum wage is not a live-able pay scale. The physical and emotional trauma is going to be hard.

For the record. I was once homeless and starving. If not for the Rescue Mission I don't know what I would have done. It was the 70's and jobs were hard to come by. When you found one you stayed until you were sure you had another. Another time I had a job but could only afford a small 2 room apartment. The window had to be supported by a board or it would fall down into the wall. When I was younger I could deal with it. I'm old now and things are not easy.

So whats my point. Some can stick their chins out and say so what! Others will do what they can to help others. Having been there this is what I am doing.

Not everyone who is poor is so because they are lazy. Lord knows when I was a kid we used to go door to door selling aprons and pot holders my mother used to sew. Shovel snow and once I even cleaned a neighbors house. I don't recall my older sister ever taking a lunch to school. Is this where we want to go back to? The "good old days" were not good. So please keep your negative comments to yourself.

They never helped me when i grew up and they won't help those who may go through hard times. We all need hope for a better future. We are our brothers keeper.
I notice an awful lot of people not in the situation sure have a lot to say about it... and they don't ever say anything like "I am so glad I'm not going through what other people are!" and they sure aren't saying "I hope you all find work and something good happens for you."

I am only hearing... "go work minimum wage... you don't deserve better you sponges!"

Whether that is what is meant to be said or not... it hurts that people who have it, flaunt it and make others feel we did something wrong by getting laid off?
Yes that is so true for the first 26 weeks, after that it pay for by the goverment or the last 73 weeks have been payed for by taxpayers.....congress just said the goverment can't afford to keep paying it...doesn't sound like the insurance companies are paying it.

Sorry just the true facts...

Oh yes insuranced payed to cover 26 weeks , lets make them pay for 99 weeks...that like paying for car insurance to pay for your car then making them pay 3 1/2 times what it worth.
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