Anyone else decide not to have children... R U treated differently?

Isn't that the worst of it!?!?!

"been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.... the creatons cloning and feeding" lol
Isn't that the worst of it!?!?!

"been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.... the creatons cloning and feeding" lol

It's a mix but there are clearly people who should not breed, not that I have any right to judge them. My own situation is too personal to discuss here or I would. There are plenty of great parents out there, and plenty not so great.
I see nothing wrong with your decision. I never planned on having kids either. Obviously things changed. I love my kids and wouldn't have change anything. I've never been all that motherly (except to my animals), but I have a relationship and style that works for my family. After DDs were born everyone wanted to know when we were going to have the next set. Just because I can naturally produce more than one at a time, doesn't mean it's my life's desire to be a baby factory. I am more than my ovaries and uterus. For years my mom would bug me about more grandkids. I told her I gave her the only set of twins, don't complain. She finally gave up and loves her granddogs and grandchickens (the cats claim no relation to the family).
We don't have children, because of complicated medical and personal issues. If we could we would have. Adoption, we decided, was not for us, and as far as medically assisted - well, we are on the upper end of the age range for success, emotionally we are at the end of this quest.

I find it is rude when people ask if we have children, I say "no." and then people ask "why?" I find people do in general still treat you differently.

As far as the whole "pets" as "children" syndrome, it is a very shallow retreat to fill the experience of childlessness, whether childlessness is voluntary or not.

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For a couple who desperately want children, I agree that pets could at best be a meager second choice, emotionally. For someone who never wanted the 2 leggeds, pets are for me, the only children I ever want.
One time someone asked me if we would adopt to have kids if we are really wanting kids. I told them no, I would never adopt a child. The feelings are not the same like the child I carried and gave birth to. My SIL asked me if I would adopt Patrick if something happened to them, which we did KNOW that Patrick has NO other aunts and uncles to adopt him because many of them already had kids, grown up and retired. Yep, they are an older couple as well. My hubby said YES and I said NO at first. However the situation arises, if we dont step up, the state will take him and all of his cousins he knows (my DD) who is the closest in his age by one year apart, we would take him on even he is mildly austistic. I just could not picture him being a ward of state and not having a stable family life and the people he knows but I am selfish about it and very comfortable with my family life. I will not be as loving to him like I do with my dd, my maternal instinct isn't there for him but however I can give him a home, some love and kindness, good schools and share the same things with my dd's fun times. It is JUST me. I am not like Boyd which he has a very unconditional type of love of ALL kids and dotes on them but he and I are different and it is not for me to adopt kids that does not belong to me or hubby by blood relations.

You guys can understand what I mean?
From the time I was a teen, I knew that mothering was not for me. I'm a warm, nurturing, caring person, but I also have bad genes and experiences that I do NOT want to inflict on an innocent being (i.e. clinical depression).

I am 49 now, happily married, and never once in my whole life did it occur to me that having children might be a good idea for me.

Thankfully, no numbskull ever asked me dumb questions about it or they would have gotten a headful!

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