Anyone else doing the "chick wait"?

I JUST got mine Friday. They kept getting postponed.
2 more are coming [ hopefully] on Wednesday. This is Saltine.she's a barred rock pullet.
Meee tooo!!! I'm so excited. I had to laugh at the visit to Tractor Supply 'just to look'. My husband and I went yesterday 'just to look' and wouldn't you know it, they didn't have one little chick in the whole place. All sold out. My husband just laughed and said "I just KNEW we would be going home with a couple of chicks today". And I'm sure we would have had they not been sold out. Sooo, we will wait patiently til our babies are delivered. We are in the process of buying a mini-farm and they are set to be delivered the week after we close. Pretty excited.
IT IS SO WORTH THE WAIT!!!!!!!!!! I am thrilled that I waited for what I really wanted! I am sure your experience will be the same! My chicks are gorgeous! I marvel at their beauty and quirky things they do EVERYDAY!
I love my chicks and am glad I did the "chick wait". The chicks posted are beautiful! Makes me want to order MORE! They grow SO fast! It is amazing!
Just got "the e-mail" Chicks have been shipped.

Never had to do that "expectant Father" pace, where the nervous father paces back and forth in the waiting room, anxious about how things are going in the delivery room.............. Had all my kids at home.

This is nuts. I keep telling myself, they're just chickens. But now I sit here wondering if they're going to be alright in the mail, on the plane, in the "capable" hands of the postal workers that are always so careful with packages Then worry if I'm going to kill them when they get here.

I had my first kid 34 years ago yesterday and was'nt this anxious about it. I'll post pictures when they get here. Should be Wednesday morning or there abouts.

Hang in there Henry! I was a nervous wreck when the birds were shipped. It seems like forever till you get the call that they are at the post office. Have everything ready when they get there. Be prepared to spend a little time with them right off. I had to dip a few of the chicks beaks in the water to get them to drink. After I got a couple going the others caught on by watching them. I watered mine pretty good first let them sit 10 minutes or so, to get them hydrated before I fed them. Then I put in the feed. I had to "peck" the feed with my finger. They hear the pecking noise and come over to see what you are getting. They will follow and take a few pecks once you get a couple going the others catch on by watching them. Have ALOT of medicated chick feed, I bought a 50 lb bag...and I am glad I did! By the third or fourth day they eat ALOT!!!!! Take lots of picture they grow so FAST!!!!! Good Luck!
Thanks gg,

The wait is over, got the call Wednesday morning at work. Told my boss "I goota go, I've got 26 chicks stoppin' by the house." I ordered from eFowl, middle of January for an April 2 ship date. They shipped 28, I ordered 26
. They arrived with one DOA, looked like she had been squished during shipping. Everyone else seems healthy and lively.

10 Welsummer pullets
3 Welsummer cocks
5 EE pullets
2 EE cocks
6 Dark Cornish straight run

The adventure begins

YES!!!! I ordered two, a Speckled Sussex and an Americuna on Feb 18th from a local farm store. I missed the March 3rd delivery date. I called mid March to check on the April delivery date and was told the Sussex hadn't hatched so my order was pushed out until April 21st. I can't wait to get them but geeezzz, it's taken FOREVER. They better be cute!

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