Anyone else excited for chick season? Just for fun :)

Oh gosh I really shouldn't...

But in all reality, I'll probably end up snagging at least two of the following breeds I've been wanting: Delaware, Easter Egger, Mille Fleur D'Uccle, Orpington, or Buckeye.

Thanks for this thread because it gives us all something to look forward to during the winter. :) I've been going through a difficult time this whole past year, and being with my chickens and reading more about chickens has done a lot to help heal me. They are simply the best.
Spending time with chickens can be very therapeutic.
I am 100% getting more chicks to add to my flock of 4 (soon to be 3 as one isn’t doing too well). I have a pretty good friend that breeds and sells Cream Legbars and I just ADORE the legbar breed so I plan to get 2 or 3 chicks from her. Chicken math is honestly getting to me haha!

And well, it isn’t a chick but I also plan to get a show quality chicken to have to bring to my county fair. I wish I could get the chicken when it is still a chick so I can bond with it more but I can’t run the risk of getting a rooster as my neighbors would be furious. I don’t live where there is any no rooster laws but my neighbors would still probably end me. Plus I don’t want to have to run the deal of it being a mean roo and all that money and time would be wasted.
I can't wait to hatch out some eggs to add a couple more to my flock!

I have 20 right now, 18 girls and 2 roo's. 8 of them are 1yr 8 mo, then 8 are 8 mo. and then I have the 4 "babies" that are 22 weeks. I have Cochins, EE, OE, Salmon Faverolle, blue rock, brahmas, Cochin/EE mix, Sicilian Buttercups, and cream Legbar,

not sure what I will add. Thinking Lavender Orpington. and not sure what else. I can only add like 2 unless we get the free coop from my boss (need to figure out how to get it into my yard) and convince my husband to let me expand the run. LOL
I can't wait to hatch out some eggs to add a couple more to my flock!

I have 20 right now, 18 girls and 2 roo's. 8 of them are 1yr 8 mo, then 8 are 8 mo. and then I have the 4 "babies" that are 22 weeks. I have Cochins, EE, OE, Salmon Faverolle, blue rock, brahmas, Cochin/EE mix, Sicilian Buttercups, and cream Legbar,

not sure what I will add. Thinking Lavender Orpington. and not sure what else. I can only add like 2 unless we get the free coop from my boss (need to figure out how to get it into my yard) and convince my husband to let me expand the run. LOL
Hi @junior67 ! My hatching buddy! Maybe if you add any, get a Marans or a Welsummer if you like dark eggs! My Welsummer is super friendly (VERY loud, but very friendly), and my two Marans are so chill and kind. (FBCM & Blue Cuckoo).
Glad to hear all is well!
Hi @junior67 ! My hatching buddy! Maybe if you add any, get a Marans or a Welsummer if you like dark eggs! My Welsummer is super friendly (VERY loud, but very friendly), and my two Marans are so chill and kind. (FBCM & Blue Cuckoo).
Glad to hear all is well!
Hello hatching buddy! Are you doing to be hatching again in the spring? I am trying to figure out when I want to. So far each year I have had at least 1 that hasn't started laying before days go short from my mid April hatches. So was thinking maybe hatching for mid to late March in hopes they all start before days go shorter. LOL (this year it is my CCL that didn't and I was so sad since I wanted those pretty blue eggs so bad! LOL)

I had almost got a BCM last year but don't think they had them at the time I was getting my other chicks. I would consider it this year but I am ordering eggs from the same seller and she doesn't have either of those breeds. But my Olive egger lays a darker brown egg sure not as dark as a Marans for Welsummer but pretty dark. Which was a bit sad since I was so excited for Olive eggs. Thinking maybe a blue layer depending on what she has. I have an EE that lays extremely light blue eggs that they look almost white, then my other EE lays a teal color. My OE lays dark brown....... But I think 2 of my project Cochins should lay a shade of green/olive so that will be nice..... Then I have varying shades of "brown" from cream to pinkish tan, to med brown etc. LOL
Is anyone else super excited for chick season? Any particular breeds you're hoping to purchase or hatch?

I have never been so excited for spring and summer in my life (I'm an autumn-loving kind of gal) PURELY because CHICKS!

We're first-time chicken owners (we have eight 7-month-olf Black Australorps we adore), and I cannot wait until it's chick season. Chicken math bit me HARD, and I convinced my husband to let me purchase just 3-4 chicks in the spring. EEEEEEE!!!!

I'm hoping to get Easter Eggers and Speckled Sussex from Mt Healthy Hatchery. My husband would get more Australorps ("I'm an Australorp man" he says, having only owned that breed LOL), but he sees the value in experimenting with some other breeds ....... and also making his wife and son happy :D. I keep researching the breeds to occupy my brain until we can order them.

I can't wait to hear their little peeping noises again and have tiny fluffy butts running around! It might be the last batch of chicks we have for a while, so I want to savor it. Hurry up, spring!
Always excited for chick season.

Home Hatch List:

Black To White Experiment

Giant Silkie Project


Big Fatty X OEGB(Maybe)

Shipped Hatching Eggs:


Malays(If I can find more)

Cackle Hatchery:

3 Splash Sumatras

3 Saipan JungleFowl Fowl

Meyer's Hatchery:
1 Salmon Faverolle

1 Dark Brahma

1 Light Brahma

1 Buff Brahma

1 Meal Maker

12 Rainbow Ranger Broilers

4 Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys

6 Ebden Geese

But first I gotta remove some older birds, & extras so there's space.
Chick season is only 3 weeks away when you own an incubator! View attachment 3354789
Spending time with chickens can be very therapeutic.
Yes, I agree. Watching them, spending time with them - I just learn a lot and feel good. It can make you forget about your troubles for a little while. I just got chickens for the first time last March, which was a few months after my difficult year began. I think if I didn't get them, I wouldn't be dealing with the situation as well as I am. I never have trouble with motivating myself to get up and start my day when I have chickens who are relying on me.

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