Anyone ever fake injured to see what your dog will do?

Aww.. good doggies!
I never faked an injury, but I faked being an intruder. NOT smart! My GSD took it pretty serious.... I whipped off the disquise pretty quickly, thank goodness or I might have been bitten.
I had a cousin who forgot his key so decided to climb the fence late one night to just go in the back door.....his dog bit him in the leg as he was coming over the top of the fence
Good guard dog apparently, LOL.

I have never faked injury....but I did have a dog who would freak out when people hugged me. She would get agitated and jump up and at them and bark.....she was a good ol dog.
OK...was feeling silly, so I just tried this.

My dog (bernard/dane mix) licked and drooled all over my face. LOL It is way too hard to pretend to be out with all that slobber!! I gave up and grabbed a dish towel.


I've never faked being hurt, but my two labs seem to know when I'm sad or not feeling well. They come up to me and lay their heads on me, especially my female. She's very perceptive. I've often wondered what she'd do if somebody tried to hurt me, but I hope I never have to find out.

Years ago my brother had a family member visiting, and in the middle of the night his dog jumped on his bed and began to harrass him and his wife. They told him to go away (he was a very obedient dog), but he was persistent. When they finally got up to see what his problem was, they found their visitor having a heart attack in the living room. The doctor said that she probably would have died if the dog hadn't woken them up to help.

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