Anyone get migraines?

I used to have migraines a lot. Was on medicines to prevent and meds to treat them. Still missed some work.
I got help from a spiritual aspect. I have not had a migraine for several years and do not expect to again. I am actually healthier than I have ever been.
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My husband get them the same as barkerchicken. He knows when a storm is coming. He gets migraines and sometimes just really bad headaches......but he gets them that last for up to 4-5 days. I feel so sorry for him. We find that we need to change headache meds often or they dont work. Its like his system gets to where it does not respond to the meds if he uses the same one too much. But something that helps ALOT for those of you suffering......

You know how you can buy those bean bags to heat in the microwave? Well if you heat it up so hot you can hardly touch it......and put it over a warm wet wash cloth that you fold up and cover your eyes and temple takes the terrible edge off. So you need moist heat, but the bean bag thing keeps it really hot for a while so you dont have to keep heating it up. TRUST ME!!!!! I have learned alot from his suffering. He too has tried the DR scripts and that wont even touch his pain!!! To amy have my major sympathies!!!!! He usually gets them every week.
I get migranes and I work in a pharmacy.

There are alot of great medications out there for migranes (Imitrex is one, but I find Maxalt works the best for me). However, when you have to function (i.e. take care of kids or work) during a migrane, the best remedy I've found was given to me by an Emergency Room physician whom I once worked with.

Take 600-800mg of ibuprofen and down 3 cups of strong coffee in 30 minutes - the caffeine works wonders with the ibuprofen and it really does help to alleviate some of the pain - makes you feel functional again. Not as great as medication designed specifically for alleviating migrane pain, but better than doing nothing at all.
*I suppose you could subsitute cold caffeine (coke, pepsi) but I've never done that and I've used this remedy many times in order to continue working or to make it to work when I couldn't take a sick day.

Hope this helps

I get them pretty regular, I have a rice pack,(well really i lost the rice pack so I just filled a sock with white rice and tied a knot in the end of it) put it in the microwave for about a minute and put it on the back of my neck, Also try to lay real still for a few min. Ialso take a bc power in a little coke, sounds crazy but it works for me.
A caution if you plan to try Imitrex. As described to me by the neurologist, if you get migraines that are pressure induced or similar, Imitrex can make it worse. I don't know why and he let me try it to see and sure enough it made it worse. However, for those that it works with, it supposedly works miracles!

Lurky!! I completely can understand your husband knowing a storm is coming in! My Honey says that I am his weather forecaster! he he (though, I'd gladly give up that job!!) LOL
The best thing I ever found for knocking them down was Excedrin -- but I had to take it very early, before it was anything more than a spot of pain in my forehead. If I didn't have access to Excedrin, extra strength Tylenol and a really big diet Coke would usually do the trick. It took me many years and many migraines to get that figured out, though. I didn't even know what they were for the first 4-5 years. I just thought I was getting horrendously sick with something that left me feeling hung over for a few days afterward. I definitely don't want to revisit those symptoms.
I suffer from migranes also, mine seem to be triggered by extreme weather changes. I take 6 excedrine migrane and down it wth some hot coffee. Then back to bed with a pillow over my head. I get a lot of relief from cold packs across the eyes. Really sleep is the only good cure I have found.

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