Anyone hatching On Oct. 23rd??

i'm hatching on the 25th you're not alone
i'm hatching an only kidding. it's a chicken. no clue on backround tho. my mom's friend gave it to me from her hen. i'm supposed to get more today tho and i'll ask wat type. i'm soooo excited!!!
I have 11 eggs from my own birds, due on the 23. The mamas are a black dutch, and an araucana mix, and daddy is a blue splash dutch. I'm sure all the chicks will be either black or some shade of blue, cause all the other 40 chicks of his that have hatched are!! Good luck with yours! I need it with mine, I haven't had any luck my last 2 hatches. I also have 17 cortunix quail, and 20 button quail, due around there as well.
I've got a broody hen that is due on the 22nd. I also have another broody that is due on the 14th, she is down to 4 eggs thanks to a snake that I have not found. We'll see.
WOW! lots of babies hatching, I candled last night and out of 21 eggs I have 20 growing, So good hatching vibes to everyone hatching......
I don't mind waiting, my banties are hatching out Mrs. Alaska's 9 silkie eggs and two of my "just started laying" Black Ameraucana's eggs due on the 21st but I always wait a few days after the due date before I take them all away...I'm a miserable hatcher myself so the banties happily take on the responsibility;)

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