Anyone have a Knifty Knitter?

I have a 6 year old with Down Syndrome, I homeschool and was wondering what I could do to help his fine motor skills. My 7 & 9 year old dd's would love them. Thank you for starting this,great idea.
Cerebral Palsey. She was born at 25 weeks gestation, 12 inches long, 24 ounces. Quite the miracle baby. She is now 10 and doing great, principals list and honor role in the 5th grade. Just some physical limitations.

Thank you! i couldn't figure it out for the life of me. She sounds like a joy to you and your family. She would probably love to sit down and figure this gadget out.
Ive seen them at hobby lobby but I haven't noticed how much they are. I can crochet but knitting was not for me so I assumed they wouldn't be either. I will have to goggle it and see more about them.
I have 2 sets of the rounds, plus a straight one. They're much cheaper at Wal-mart.

They're fast and fun. I can make a premie-sized hat in about 45 minutes to an hour, full sized hat, maybe 3 hours. The rounds can be used to make scarves and everything. I love mine.

The hooking tool used to pull the yarn over the pegs has a pretty sharp point. You'd have to dull down that point somehow to keep someone with motor skill issues from inadvertantly stabbing themselves.

It wouldn't be hard to dull down, though.

My great Aunt Mary is 86 and has horrible arthritis. She can no longer knit or crochet, but she still uses her knifty knitter.


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