Anyone have a Knifty Knitter?

Hey my walmart has the set of 4 knifty knitters long looms on clearance now for $4.50, then they have the littleKnifty Knitter specialty loom Straw weaver for $1.50. All the books with patterns are .50c.
Oh, now I am kinda wishing I would have never asked. I only wanted one a little I REALLY want one. I just finished crocheting a huge afghan and need a new project. I can wait until this weekend...I hope!
I'd love one of those infinity boards, I bet knitting an afgan would be kinda easy on that - not like the thought of knitting one wiht needles.
That link I posted has a few - go take a peek. THey're not cheap - but that might give you an idea. You really want the pegs a little closer and thinner so you don't need to use CHUNKY yarn. the knifty knitter would be too chunky I would think.
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I use the baby soft yarn, i think it's 3 ply on the smallest knifty knitter for preemie caps. If you use a regular yarn, or even a sport weight, the hats come out kinda stiff, and you definitely don't want them stiff if you're looking to make preemie caps.

I can get just about 3 caps out of a skein of the Caron baby yarn, double wrapping the pegs, and making the bauble for the top.

I use to largest size round for small blankets. I just go the whole way around and stop before I get to the overlap, then work in reverse the other way to make a blanket.

I have the straight knifty knitter, I'm not terribly pleased with the chunky weave it puts out for scarves, but it makes AWESOME blankets. You just have to make a few panels and sew them together or crochet them together.

I wish I'd taken a picture of the last box of preemie and chemo caps I made to take up to Children's. Remember, if you're into making preemie and chemo caps, the softer the yarn, the better.

I'm going to be at my Wal-mart tomorrow. I'll have to see if they're clearancing them here.


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