Anyone have experience with Urban Chicken Coop Company?

I actually have one and it works great, but it is really short so hard to get in a clean. No issues in the winter in Minnesota except that you need to cover the sides with thick plastic to keep the wind out.
I have this coop, and it is nice! Really well made, fast shipping, good instructions for put together. I had it on my deck, and put a tarp under it. I lined the upper coop floor with vinyl, and put PDZ in it so I can easily scoop the poop out with a cat litter scooper. Overall, a great small coop. I use cheap, clear shower curtains to wrap the open sides for winter, keeps snow out, and let's sunshine in.
Apocaloptimist, can you clarify what you mean by PDZ? Sorry if that is obvious.

And I agree that it is easy to put together and high quality materials. I also just found out that they have a walk in version, which would have been nice, but is quite expensive.
Hi Kirschj,

Sweet PDZ is a horse stall refresher, made of Zeolites, and helps with ammonia absorption. I saw people talking about it on this website. More info can be found online,

I agree with another poster that cleaning and accessing the run part of this coop is challenging, as it is not a walk-in, but it is small enough to be raked from the opening.
Dear Windy City, I wanted to let you know that I didn't make any modifications to my coop and it looks like one of my hens has frostbite on her comb as of 2 days ago. Tonight it is supposed to get so cold and windy that I put a tarp over the coop covering the 2 windows on each side. Now I am rethinking this but it just seems there is not enough protection from the cold and windy conditions tonight - forecast is from -2 to -10 below 0.
I put thick a plastic clear tarp around most of the outside. There is plenty of ventilation with the top open holes and the drafty planks. Cover the outside and it isn't pretty but will keep out drafts. Ours haven't gotten frostbite/frost-comb at -20 in Minnesota.
I am interested in purchasing this coop as well. Thanks for writing in all the feedback. Has anyone found a better pre-made coop that can be ordered online? I've been looking but the quality is just not there. Thought about ordering from my pet chicken but the reviews are not great. I'm a single mom to 3 kids, so I know building yourself would be better but just not possible right now, my youngest is still an infant! I'm lucky to take a shower, let alone build a chicken coop! ;)
FYI. If ease of setting up and maintenance is key (understanding young kids) this is a great coop. My one caveat- you have to be willing to do deep bed method (piling more bedding and not removing regularly).

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