Anyone have white leghorn rooster experience?

Good Evening, I had to look back to see what was going on when the chickes were 3 weeks old Last June

rooster was bigger that the other chicks, he came with a green dot on his head, but if you look at the wing feathers you can defiantly tell if you have a rooster.View attachment 2588338
Leghorns are wired very smart. they were quick at doing exactly what chickens were wired to do. Roosters are wired with a job, they heard, they stop the hens from fighting, they tell the flock when to go in the coop, but I tell you. I have had buff Orpington roosters and this leg horn rooster is the BEST watch dog. You need to pick him up, talk to him. My rooster dost try and "flap me" but his spurs arnt very long and it really doesn't hurt, but you have to train them. i have a small kids rake and I use it to herd the chickens into the coop when I want them to go in, and I use it as a rooster blocker. I just hold it away from my body in-between him and me and it stops him from jumping me. But again he is doing his job, guarding his territory. I really like this rooster. He was just shy 3 days 8 week old and started crowing. So look back through me 2 Leghorn threads. One is for new chicks
and the other is for when they are grown.
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😂 They’re in a dirt chicken yard but just a blinding brilliant white! Gorgeous chickens!
White Leghorns are great egg layers, and not as big at maturity as the heavier breeds. I have noticed however that they are just as big or maybe even bigger than some of the larger breeds at hatching. They grow and mature faster, with well pronounced combs. They can be very flighty in comparison. I have had several hens and one rooster of the breed. I called him a vile little creature. He was aggressive and would fly up at my face trying to flog me. He was so fast I never could thwart him.
Thanks, that’s really interesting. They are all individuals in the end so they develop slightly faster and slower even in the same breed. Lol we just have to be patient I suppose. It’s definitely a

I guess what I should ask you is if you still have that rooster and if it’s manageable or mean?
Yes! i still have him!🙂 on post 28# on this thread , i posted all about my experience with him and some photos.😊

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